April 7, 2023 Horoscopes Are The Best For 3 Zodiac Signs, During The Moon In Scorpio

Lead with your heart.

zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on april 7, 2023 nasyar from Nasyar and Alla Smacheva/500px from Getty Images both via Canva Pro

Three zodiac signs have the best horoscopes on April 7, 2023, during the Moon in Scorpio. The Moon in Scorpio brings intensity into our lives, making it tough to ignore problems that must be addressed this week.

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Taurus, Scorpio and Pisces are ready to let go of heavy obligations that prevent them from experiencing passion and purpose. Here’s how today’s Moon provides these three zodiac signs with plenty of support to live life authentically and courageously.




Best horoscopes for three zodiac signs on April 7, 2023:

1. Scorpio  

(October 23 - November 21) 

The universe prepares you for more when life becomes too hard to comprehend. During these darkened winter months that have felt never-ending, you have been tending the seeds of who you are becoming. But to do that you need to honor what it is you really want. You cannot keep pretending that the life or even relationship you want is like everyone else's. You cannot keep taking a backseat to your own life, not admitting the greatness that you bring to the world around you.


Everything you need to transform your life, you already have within you. But to achieve that, you need to find the courage to embrace what you will find. To not be intimidated by what big challenges lay serendipitously in the way, not to let the world tell you that somehow you are wrong for being who you are and carrying the dreams that you do in your heart.

Allow today’s Scorpio Moon to return you to your truth, to your deepest desires and passions, acknowledging them as a glowing truth that can and will guide you forward. Do not step back from this moment. Do not pretend that you do not have what it takes. Instead, face life head-on. Pick up the reins on your own life, making the decisions you need to create what you desire actively. And never give up on what you are most drawn to simply because it may not make sense to the world.  

RELATED: How Each Zodiac Sign Expresses Love In A Relationship

2. Taurus  

(April 20 - May 20) 


The things that last in this life will never make sense, but you cannot keep looking at the world as a place that needs to be only safe to be of value. You crave security, which settles deep into your soul and grounds you in the worst and even best of times. But you have done an injustice to yourself as you settle for what feels safe instead of taking a risk for what feels passionate or exciting as it tickles the depth of your longing.

Your work has been to find a place within yourself so deep and safe that you can take that giant leap into the unknown. The more that life seems to let you down, the more the universe guides you to look within so that the risks you are taking come from your soul instead of simply bending into the rationale of your mind. But first, you must acknowledge where in your life you have settled for safe, for good enough, for this makes sense instead of what sets your heart on fire.

Passion is not something to fear. It is neither a one-way ticket to disaster nor a wild chase that will only end in heartbreak. Instead, this part of you that has been awakening urges you to understand that to feel utterly satisfied with your life; you will have to take the path untraveled. You will have to get to know your heart as a long-lost friend. You will have to find safety within so you no longer miss the universe's wild call as it beckons you forward on the breeze of hope.  

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3. Pisces  

(February 19 - March 20) 

You are not just made of sweet romance and a way of seeing everything in a beautiful rose-colored light. You are the grit, the ingenuity and the commitment that can bring any dream to fruition. But you doubt yourself. You doubt your ability to be strong, to understand that your soft heart is your greatest asset. The way you see the world is different on purpose. It is your gift. But yet, you have carried so many fears about being able to follow your dreams, your unique vision for how you believe life can be. You worry if they are meant for you. If they are too big if you are right, if you will ever get to the space where you can look around in admiration instead of only longing.

This is your passion, though. Your greatest wealth is in your ability to see things differently for yourself and those in your life. You are a spirit here on earth, connected to the universe in only a way you can be, but you must start trusting yourself.


Today allow yourself to lean into the expansion of hope, into believing that everything you have dreamed of is part of the life that you are meant to live. Ultimately realizing that these passions are inherently tied to amazing new opportunities that are starting to pour into your life. Do not be the only thing stopping you from becoming a true manifesto. Life will always test you, but it is up to you to stay true to who you are, recognizing that you cannot compare yourself to anyone else because where you are going is only yours.  

RELATED: How To Identify (And Live With!) The Truest, Most Authentic Version Of Yourself

Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website
