3 Zodiac Signs Are The 'Luckiest In Love' The Week Of March 27 - April 2, 2023

When it's your turn to be lucky the universe shows up in magical ways.

zodiac signs who are the luckiest in love this week, march 27 - april 2, 2023 Chikovnaya and kieferpix from Getty Images via Canva Pro/Sketchify Korea via Canva

Love rules the week for three zodiac signs, but that's not to say it comes easily; it doesn't. In fact, what makes this love so great is that we fight for it, and we win it fair and square. We all know that nothing ever really gets handed to us on a silver platter, and for certain signs, the idea of working hard and being rewarded for our efforts is a great feeling. It's nice to know that all the cards are out on the table now, and what this implies is that during the week of March 27 - April 2, 2023, we will show our hand to the one we love...and it will pay off.


Many of us do not like the idea of appearing 'too' vulnerable in front of the person we love. We equate vulnerability with weakness, and on some paranoid level, we think that if they know something about us, they may take advantage of it someday or try to use their knowledge of us against us. Because we have the heavy influence of the Quarter Moon in Cancer at the same times as Mars trine Saturn, we may find that we are at the precipice between holding back and giving it all. We want to let down our defenses, but it will be hard to do...still, we want to, and we will.


Mark your calendar, its going to be a spicy weekend. And no hashtags because this will def find who it needs to 

♬ Twin Me - Get Mi

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Venus conjunct Uranus will help us take the leap of faith; we will realize this week that it really is now or never. We either let our partners or dates or crushes know that we are indeed vulnerable and that we do, indeed, wish to entrust our hearts with them. We feel that life is better when we just give in and let love lead the way, and so, for three zodiac signs, this week shows us exactly what we're made of, in love and in romance.

These three zodiac signs are 'luckiest in love' during the week of March 27 - April 2, 2023:

1. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20)

While you've already proven yourself to be the most dedicated and trustworthy partner, you know that you still have a few tricks up your sleeve, meaning that you know you haven't given your all...as of yet. Perhaps you've just been waiting for the right time or the right opportunity to let your person know just how intensely deep your feelings for them are, and it seems that this week, you'll have the chance. The two of you are undertaking something — an event or excursion of some sort — and this will put you in the same room together for an extended period of time. Being this close to your love is nice, but it's also a bit nerve-wracking, and those nerves will be what take you from stoic and reserved to free and wild with your emotional expression. You are about to wow the heck out of the person you are with, and they will LOVE you for it.

RELATED: 6 Zodiac Signs Who Hide Their Need For Affection In Relationships, According To Astrology


2. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22)

You may notice that you're a little more sensitive than usual, and that's mainly because the Quarter Moon in Cancer has you feeling a little weepy; it's nothing you can't get past, but the good part is that your love interest has noticed this about you and they want to help you out. You don't like feeling like a martyr, and you aren't into playing passive-aggressive games. Your sensitive moodiness isn't a theatrical performance, and both of you know it. It's the real deal. That's why during this week, you'll come to see this person as someone who is honestly interested in you and your welfare. They care about you very deeply, and in a way, this shocks you. You aren't used to having someone care so much, and this warms your heart and heals you of all the hyper sensitivity that has kept you down. This week allows you to breathe freely again, knowing you are loved and cherished.

RELATED: Sensitive Zodiac Signs Ranked From Most To Least Emotional


3. Leo

(July 23 - August 22)

What sets this week aside from so many other weeks is that you hardly even notice yourself this week, as you are head over heels in love with the person in front of you. They take up your entire view, and while this stuns you, as you are usually the person who takes up your time, this person is just so good, so wonderful, and so enchanting that you can barely remember your own name. What you'll also notice, Leo, is that it's OK to love; it's OK to give it all and that you needn't hold back any longer. If you've been afraid to tell them something because you think they'll take advantage of you, fear not: anything you share with this person this week can only add to your loving experience. This is a great time to pop the question or show up with a fabulous present. Dead serious, Leo...the timing for big engagements is right. Auspicious moves are supported by the universe.

RELATED: 6 Mentally Strong Zodiac Signs That Can Handle Anything

Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
