These 3 Zodiac Signs Confess Their Love On March 26, 2023

A secret this juicy is way too good to keep!

zodiac signs who confess their love march 26, 2023 MUHAMAD ALIP FABIO MANDAKA fr Alipdesign, dmitro2009 from Dmitro2009 and Billion Photos all via Canva Pro/Yauheniya_Bandaruk via Canva

A feeling accompanies today, March 26, 2023, and it's one of 'it's now or never.' We have a transit that promotes courage and risk, and we focus on the positive during this event — Sun sextile Moon. We can easily spot 'a good thing'; for many of us, that 'good thing' can be found in the person who makes us the happiest. We may already be in some relationship with this person, a friendship, or even a romance...but we still haven't crossed into that place where we confess our love. Today changes all that. Today is the day we come out with it.


Today, certain zodiac signs will feel that courage surging through our veins, and we will rise and take the challenge; we may feel as though life is short and that we had better get a move on where love is concerned, and being that we have someone to love, why not guys all over them? After all, this is our person, our love — this is the one we love and adore, so why not tell them, straight up, how we really feel?



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Many people hesitate to let those feelings out simply because that makes them feel vulnerable. Now they 'know our secret' and might use it against us, right? Well, Sun sextile Moon says the heck with that! Fear plays no solid role in today's positive momentum. And for the signs brave enough to expose their love to the person in their life who deserves it most, then power to the people, right on!

These three zodiac signs confess their love on March 26. 2023:

1. Leo

(July 23 - August 22)

When you love, you love BIG, Leo, and the last thing you could ever think to do is repress what you feel about that person...and yet, you still haven't really 'fessed up, have you? During Sun sextile Moon, you won't be able to help yourself, and what's fun and funny is that your person-partner knows that you adore them, and they've heard your mini-confessions before, but on March 26, 2023, they really have no idea what's about to hit them. You are smitten beyond words, and that's what's held those words back, but during the Sun sextile Moon, the words come naturally to you, and you let them rain down like manna from heaven above. You are all there telling your main squeeze that they are the love of your life. Vulnerability be damned; you're all in on this one, Leo!

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2. Aquarius

(January 20 - February 18)

You aren't usually the person who falls in love and then feels any particular need to let that person know how you feel; extracting a confession of love from you is like pulling teeth. You don't need to let go of that part of you. Still, you are human, and you are subject to vulnerable moments during the Sun sextile Moon; you'll find that being vulnerable actually gives you access to your own higher emotions. You don't feel threatened on this day, March 26, 2023, by revealing this truth: that you are indeed in love and you very much want this person in your in forever. On any other day, this idea might terrify you, but on this day, you let yourself feel the joy of being a blubbering sack of happy feelings. Let it out, Aquarius. It's a beautiful thing to admit that you love someone. Do it.

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3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20)


Unlike Aquarius, you are fully capable of gushing your love out any old time you want, and so when opportunities arise, as they will during today's transit, Sun sextile Moon, you will once again jump at the chance to tell someone that you love them. You don't just love them, love them to smithereens. You love them to the Moon and back. You love them until your head pops off and rolls down the street while it screams "I LOVE YOU" at the top of its head. You have zero inhibitions during the Sun sextile Moon on March 26, 2023, and you will make your person of interest feel great and make them laugh, which is truly the best medicine. Nobody confesses like you, Pisces. You are...simply the best.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
