The 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Friends Betray Them During Moon Sextile Mars On April 22, 2022

Ouch! Just the word 'betrayal' hurts.

man being betrayed by a friend Ralf Knüfer on Unsplash

Ouch! Just the word 'betrayal' hurts. What on earth is good about being betrayed?

Outside of the 'lessons of humility' that we accrue, the truth is betrayal is the absolute worst, and it seems that all of us get to experience it at least once in a lifetime, if not several times.

And with the Sun trine the Moon, Moon sextile Mars and the Moon trine Uranus in the sky, there really is no wonder that betrayal is something some of us will be experiencing over the next day or two.


It's not as if being betrayed by a friend is that much worse than being betrayed by a romantic partner, but there's so much more expected of a friend, and so when they DO betray us, it's extra painful, simply because we really weren't expecting it.

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Friends are supposed to be reliable, after all. Lovers and love relationships always come with a degree of paranoia: are they cheating on me?

Are they looking at others with lust in their hearts? Are they lying to me??? Ah, romance, you're never easy, are you?


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But friendship? Yeah, that's the stuff that's slated for destiny! Friendships are solid things, meant to last, until of course, the harsh reality drops in to let us know that we were all wrong. When a friend betrays us, we start to second guess our own ability to choose friends.

How on earth did we attract such a betrayal? What did we do to stir this up in the universe? Our biggest culprit here is Moon sextile Mars; that's the energy that backs up the betrayer and gives them the strength to do their evil bidding.

Leo, Virgo, and Sagittarius, sad to say... you're in the group of hurting hearts.


April 22, 2022, you become one of the 3 zodiac signs whose friends betray them.

Blame it on the Moon Mars transit taking place on Friday.

1. Leo

(July 23 - August 22)

Because you are experiencing the power rush that comes with Sun trine Moon and it's affect on your sign, personally, you will be blind to the fact that there's someone in your life who is not being honest with you.

Your mood during this time is superb, and the last thing you expect is for someone to come out of nowhere to upset your pretty picture. And this is such a shame, too, because you're really feeling cleansed these days.

Perhaps the cleansing is really only about to begin now, as this shady person in your life who poses as your friend is about to show you something that will disturb the heck out of you, and it will lead to you making an executive decision about them: they must go.


This is someone, a friend, who you thought was someone of great character, and finding out that they are just the opposite may throw you into a state of self-doubt. So sorry this happens to you, Leo, but you are better off without this betrayer in your life.

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2. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22)

In your world, you require very little; a couple of good friends, a partner who is honest and hard-working, and a secure home to live in. When you have down time or the weekend off, you run to find comfort in friendships; you like having a good time with buddies and you start to depend heavily on them being there for you.


Unfortunately, you tend to make friends with people who are single, and as soon as they find a mate, they flee the scene, leaving you by yourself, wondering why they bothered to call you 'friend.'

This has happened many times to you, already, Virgo, and yet you keep on clinging to the idea that friends are there for you. You are an idealist, and yes, it would be lovely to have a friend that you can depend on, but during Moon sextile Mars, on April 21, you'll be getting the feeling, once again, that you have been betrayed. They walk away from you, straight into the arms of the one they think is now 'more important.' Ouch.

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3. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21)

In your head, Sagittarius, you believe that there is no one of Earth who would ever want to hurt you. And while, nobody intends to or goes out of their way to put you in their crosshairs, these friends of yours aren't as committed to the friendship as you've imagined them to be. During Moon sextile Mars, you will be betrayed and shocked by a friend. And WOW, you certainly did trust them, but that's so you, Sagittarius; naive to the end.

You believe in the pretty picture of loyalty and dedication in friendship, and you end up being the only one who had that idea in mind. What makes this new betrayal so particularly vile is that you gave this person so much! Time, gifts, money, art...whatever it is that you could produce with love and generosity, you gave it to them. And in the long run, they could only return the favor by stabbing you in the back. Lesson learned yet, Sagittarius?

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Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.