3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On September 27, 2021
You can’t rush fate.
![3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On September 27, 2021 3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On September 27, 2021](/sites/default/files/image_blog/zodiac-signs-who-will-havev-a-great-day-on-september-27-2021.jpg)
As we wake up today, truthfully, we have no idea what the day has in store.
But, Monday is a big day for three zodiac signs who will have a great day, there have been hints of it as we have been in the lead up to it which involves Mercury turning retrograde and the Grand Air Trine, but truly little could have prepared us for what the day has in store for us.
One of these events would be enough to interrupt our status quo and create shock waves that would ripple through our lives for some time. But having both signifies that a change is coming. A change needs to happen and while we’ve been in the lead up to it for a while, we’ve reached the moment to take that first last step.
We are still under the Libra Sun and Gemini Moon today which will be beneficial because it means that with both our physical and emotional self being ruled by air signs, we will at least be feeling some sense of continuity.
This will allow us to move forward and refocus our energies on what messages or spiritual hits we’re downloading so that we can make the most of this beneficial energy.
Although many will be stressed under this transit because of the very intense freedom-like energy which will be present, it actually represents an opportunity to fast-track some of the growth work we have been doing recently.
While both of these transits are intense, there are no other planetary transits today which means that we’re going to primarily be focusing on the energy coming in and what it means for our day-to-day lives.
Air signs are going to benefit the most from this, Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini. But if air is your leading element in your natal chart, then you too will be able to take advantage of some really powerful opportunities around today.
When we think of air, the most important component is that it moves. The air is constantly moving and shifting. This is a lesson to us from this element that no matter what we have going on in our lives, no matter how stuck we had previously thought we were, it’s always possible to move and shift once again.
Because as we grow, so should we expand into all the places we never thought we would.
Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On September 27, 2021:
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
This month or so that you’re in is a crucial time for self-work and implementing the lessons that you’ve learned recently. It may feel like a lot at times because there is so much happening at once, but you have to trust that you’ve been brought to this moment.
That these opportunities and tests are coming up because you’re actually ready for them, no matter how much it may not seem like you are. Today is going to be different though. With the heavy aspect of air energy (6 planets!), you will have a sense of uplifting energy that is going to give you a bigger perspective than you’ve been having lately.
Make sure to embrace this gift as it is going to help you see just how far you’ve come. It’s never about how far we have left to go because the journey is constantly evolving. Instead, it’s realizing that you are in this moment now. The old versions of you had to be shed so you could be here now.
The relationships that had to end, the difficult conversations that occurred; all of it is part of your story. If we only focus on one part it may seem dark, even cringe-worthy, but if we pull back and allow that optimism and trust to spread through our body with our breath, we can see just how beautiful a journey it is.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
With Neptune having been one of the major players this past week, it stands to reason that there’s about to be a major shift in terms of you and your dreams. It’s no surprise to anyone that you dream big; that for you, spending time dreaming is really about an investment in your future.
The rest might get watery at times, but deep inside that beautiful heart of yours, you know that your dreams are essential for your life. One of your lessons is always to believe in yourself and what you aspire to create.
While learning which are dreams versus fantasies is part of the process, being able to not attach yourself to the skeptics around you is essential to living your purpose. Today, you’re going to see why that pays off so great.
This is the beginning of when those dreams that you planted and tended to really start to grow. Expect some sudden validation or opportunity that will shift things in a permanent way for you. While this will be in a more life path orientated way, there is a strong likelihood of a serious romantic development taking place which could have you soon saying, “I do”.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Sometimes it feels as if you could go along with the ride a little bit more than you do. That everything doesn’t need to be planned or organized and that you can actually let go and trust that either others will handle it or that it will get figured out in exactly the ways that it’s meant to.
When we think about the time that makes us feel good, it comes down to us believing that we deserve that. It’s knowing that we don’t need to control every little thing, that we run our own chance for true joy when we do.
But all of this brings up the themes of trust for you, which is something that you’ve been moving through since childhood. And while that’s okay, it’s also time to take a bit of risk. Lean into the people and situations around you.
Lean into believing the best about someone, into trusting that you can let others take the lead and still end up exactly where it is you hope to go.
But this gives you time to breathe, to focus on yourself for once and while that may still be a new task, it’s something you know your soul needs. But really what it comes down to is trusting that all of this won’t just make sense but end better than you could ever have imagined it would.
Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.