3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On September 2, 2021
Tough times.

There are three zodiac signs who will have a rough day on September 2, 2021, and several planets seem to provide insight as to what's going on in astrology.
The day is going to be emotionally rough for all of us because the Moon is in the sign of Cancer, and although Mercury has made it's way into peace-loving Libra, it's still processing the download of a new zodiac sign.
Yes, we are all going through a period of adjustments, and three unlucky zodiac signs will feel this the most.
Thursday is going to be rough for three zodiac signs: Pisces, Cancer, and Taurus will feel the hardships of September 2, 2021.
Taurus because this stubborn zodiac sign needs its stability. Pisces because she wants to remain in her dream and reality calls. And, sweet Cancer for being caught up in the feels.
And, no one likes to be the blameshifter when it comes to taking on responsibility for the problems in their lives, but the Moon just won't cut us a break on Thurday.
The Moon can do damage to your sleep cycle, and when it's a Full Moon, and we all know that it has a reputation for bringing out the crazy in all of us, and here's why the Moon in the sign of Cancer will be so rough on three zodiac signs starting on Thursday, September 2, 2021.
Zodiac signs who will have a rough day on September 2, 2021:
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Taurus, your day will start off on the wrong foot when the Moon in Cancer harmonizes with chaotic Uranus who has been making waves for your zodiac sign all year.
The fact that you can't predict and plan ahead for what you need to do will have your guards up, but no matter how much you try to remain cool, calm and collected you're still going to fumble in the worst way.
Why? The Moon in Cancer is in your solar house of communication, and despite all your self-assurance you are going to put your foot in your mouth and say something to the wrong person, and also at the wrong time.
It's your over confidence that does you in on Thursday, but, you won't admit that you're wrong.
Nope. All day September 2, you'll stew in your anger and remain ostinate. Everyone else will know you messed up, but to save face you won't admit it to a soul.
In fact, denial can be so strong on Thursday that you'll even lie to yourself.
And, you're no liar. The fact that you have such a high amount of integrity will keep you from being able to forget the ordeal.
You will loathe your own hypocrisy, and maybe decide tomorrow that you will make ammends, but Thursday is going to be a wash, unless you decide sooner that you won't take the path of regret.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Thursday is going to be one doozy of a day for you. You are wise beyond your years, and it's deep grief that's going to make September 2 a day that you find emotionally harsh.
The Moon in your sign will be at the 11th degree, and this is a number that's associated with the Humanitarian energy of the zodiac sign. It's the degree of the people, and you're going to feel the weight of the world on your shoulders.
You already care too much! And, to think about the suffering people endure or who doesn't have enough will make you weep and cry more than usual on Thursday.
You will cry at commercials. You'll sob over the phone to your best friend and your partner.
Everyone is going to know that you have hope in your heart but feel disappointed in humans as a whole.
But, this won't stop you from wearing your heart on your sleeve on September 2. Instead, you'll be a bleeding heart for everyone, and it's your sweetness that will make the day particularly tough for you.
Even though you wish you could turn off your feelings, you really can't. This is who you are, and Thursday will make you stronger, but not without leaving some scars on your already battle-wounded heart.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Thursday is going to be rough for you because you're hoping for some romance, but it will be hard to come by.
The pandemic has been making dating hard for you. Even though you've done all the right things, even your friends are flakier than usual, and no one really wants to take risks to meet new people, and you struggle with deciding if you ought to do that yourself.
With the Moon in your sector of romance, you are going to feel a longing to go out and enjoy your life on Thursday, but the stars won't seem to be in your favor.
But, you miss being worry free and letting yourself go. You don't want to be so negative, but you will feel like you are, and this is going to make September 2 tough for you.
You don't like to complain, and you prefer to run from a problem when its in your face, but everywhere you used to go to avoid life's drama has changed, and the sadness of it all will hit you hard for the first time.
It's tough on you when you come to terms with reality, and for this reason, even though you accept everything life will offer, Thursday will be tough on you.
Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
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