Horoscope For The Week Of August 16 - 22, 2021

The last week of Leo season.

Horoscope For The Week Of August 16 - 22, 2021

Your horoscope for the week is here for August 16 to August 22, 2021, and it's the last week of Leo season, which brings changes astrologically for all zodiac signs.

Welcome to the Weekly Horoscope. We've got ups, down and all arounds starting on August 16.

We are backed up by many astrological aspects, mostly lunar in nature.

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As the week unfolds, we will be feeling the effect of Moon Trine Neptune, the Half Moon in Scorpio, Moon Sextile Pluto, Moon Square Jupiter, Moon Sextile Venus, Moon in Sagittarius - and finally, Venus in Libra. NICE.

With all that Moon in our face, we can pretty safely assume we're going to be lost in thought this week; dreaming of a big, bold, beautiful future in which we can finally rest in contentment.

Our dreams and hopes are inspiring, and they show the universe that we are not content to stay down and out.

We want love and peace - and sometimes, just thinking about it gives us what we need in that regard.


It won't be one hundred percent smooth sailing, however - there will be a few stormy nightmares and an occasional panic attack, here or there. Let's see what your sign will be experiencing during this most amazing week.

Horoscope for the week, August 16 to August 22, 2021:

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

It's a good week ahead, Aries. What you're looking at is the completion of a few projects that you've been working on, as well as the ending of an attitude problem that you may have kept going for too long.

This week you will try a different approach as to how you treat people.

Friends have told you to lighten up a bit, as you come on way too strongly, and tend to send people running for the hills with your pushiness.


What's cool is that you get it; sure, you know you act like that sometimes, but you also know you don't have to. It will feel freeing to release this trait, and it will free you up to discover new and wonderful things about yourself.

RELATED: Why Are Aries So Bossy?

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

With all this lunar energy driving everyone inwards, you will be no exception here; prepare to take in the lessons that are coming your way, Taurus.

What's on the agenda here is an opportunity for you to make up your mind on a particular topic that has to do with your future.

It could be deciding whether or not to go to school, or what topic you want to pursue as a career choice.


You talk a good game, and everyone supports your ideas - but now's the time to walk the walk, so to speak. Listen to your heart this week - it will guide you to make the right decisions, but the key word here is: ACTION. Do it.

RELATED: Why Are Taurus So Hard To Love?

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

This week may have you going over some of the more regretful moments of your life, in particular, the moves you made in your career.

You know you should have done 'this', but you ended up doing 'that' and now you're here, unsatisfied, but ready to try again.

You aren't giving up hope; no, in fact, if anything, you're ready to start an entire new life if need be. You simply don't want to stay in a funk, thinking about the mistakes you've made.


Money is coming to you; that's never been the problem. What you want to steer yourself towards is a life where you are doing what you want, as a career.

RELATED: Why You Should Never Tell A Gemini To, "Get Over It", Per Astrology

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

This could very well be one of those weeks for you where all you can think about is love...and intimacy.

It may not even have to be real for you, Cancer - you're happy to indulge in pure fantasy, and that is how the week is going to play out for you.

You have someone in mind, and you're not altogether ready to make it real with them - but that hasn't stopped you from fantasizing a life with this person.


Will you reach out and manifest this dream lover as a reality? No, you will not, because honestly - that's not what you want.

What you want is the fantasy, and that is because nothing gets ugly in the fantasy world, nor is there any rejection.

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Leo (July 23 - August 22)

You have made the most of your birthday season, Leo, and now you have no regrets. It's been good, and you feel both love - and gratitude.

And we all know that when we feel gratitude and humility, we are golden - it's like an invitation to good vibes, and that's what this week is about for you.

Good vibes, friendly people and a general sense of ease and peace. Work should go very well during the week, but the area of true success will be in love and romance.


This is the 'dinner and a movie' week, where you spend quality time with your partner, doing all the things you love best. Enjoy, Leo. Only one more year until it's Leo season again!

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Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

What's going to make you feel very good about this week is that you are getting a handle on your health, and it's starting to show.

You've gone through a few rough patches, perhaps enough to feel fearful of a future built on bad health.

Well, the good news is that the effort you put in towards building your health up has now manifest as GOOD HEALTH.

This will make your disposition a happier one, as it will make all your efforts easier.


Health is everything, Virgo, and the universe is gushing with joy at the idea that you finally know this. Good health to you - keep it going, friend!

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Libra (September 23 - October 22)

The last thing you have on your mind is falling in love, so when it happens this week, it should thoroughly take you by surprise.

Not love again! Just when you thought you'd gotten over the stuff, BAM, in walks someone who just rips your heart out with promise.

Promise is what you were trying to avoid, and knowing what love brings with it is exactly what you want to bolt from.


All that responsibility, all that heartbreak to come - what's it worth? The irony is that...it's worth everything to you, and no matter how hard you fight it, Libra - you're going down.

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Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

This week the Half Moon is in Scorpio, and that is going to be one of the more influential transits for you.

This means that you will feel torn about certain important decision on the horizon.

While it's always a good idea to weigh the sides of an argument or a decision, what might happen to you this week is that you will start to see the pros and cons in equal amounts, and that will make everything harder for you to decide upon.


If there's one takeaway to depend on this week, it's that you won't be able to make up your mind.

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Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

This is your 'big idea' week, Sagittarius, though it may feel like nobody's interested.

All of the lunar power is situated inside your head, working you into a froth of creativity and ingenuity; you want only to create, to write, to share - but no one's interested.

It's not personal, it's that, at times, you're just TOO MUCH, and not everyone wants all that Sagittarius input. You're not always right, either, which has damaged your ability to sway the masses.


Yet, you'll try. You'll try to get people to believe in you and your work. Good advice: Just do your thing anyway, and don't worry about who's looking.

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Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

You may find yourself living in a secret world this week, Capricorn. What that looks like is you, walking around, pretending to be someone else.


Oh, it's not serious, and you're not a super spy, but you are going to spend the week in a fantasy world, and this kind of fun pretending helps you cope with the reality of your life, as it is, today.

You listen to music and it becomes the soundtrack of your life, as if you're walking around in some music video, where you are the sexy star who can do no wrong.

Here's to your fantasy world - may it flourish and bring you joy.

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Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

If you could lock yourself indoors, you'd do it this week, Aquarius, and that's not because you can't handle the outdoor world; it's because you really need a break.


All you want is some downtime, and it may just kick in that the only way to get that downtime is to demand it. Of everyone who claws at you for attention.

Of work related issues that will collapse if you're not there to make everything right. You are not responsible for the world's upkeep, and you shouldn't feel you have to work as hard as you do.

Take that downtime, Aquarius - you need it. Badly. 

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Pisces (February 19 - March 10)

Can you handle your own thoughts this week, Pisces? Because your mind is on an expansion trip to the stars, and you won't be able to help but come up with idea after idea - all good, all helpful.


You're the brains behind any project, this week. You're also the motivator and the creative manager; you have the power in you, right now, to persuade anyone to do anything.

The lunar zap that's about to hit you is going to set you on fire with ideas. Pisces, this week, your name is Inspiration, and we will all be looking to you for signs of life.

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Ruby Miranda has been practicing I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda 
