3 Zodiac Signs Who Learn An Important Lesson During Mercury Opposite Saturn Starting August 1st, 2021

This is big.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Learn An important Lesson When Mercury Opposes Saturn August 1 - 6, 2021 Vviktorov.pro/Shutterstock.com

Big things are coming for three zodiac signs who learn an important life lesson starting August 1 to August 7, 2021.

Mercury opposes Saturn

Just in case you were wondering why things feel a bit "Mercury in retrograde" these days, it's due to the fact that Mercury is a bit of a trouble-maker, and it doesn't need to retrograde to stir things up.

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In fact, Mercury opposite Saturn will do for a stand-in, while we wait for the next retrograde to mess things up for us.

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The idea of learning an important lesson during this time immediately lets us know that whatever revelation is ahead of us, it's going to reach us the hard way.


It's the ol' "this one's for your own good" kind of thing. The kind of lesson where we smile begrudgingly and say, "Oh gee, thanks so much," while rolling our eyeballs.

On August 1, 2021, these three signs will learn an important lesson, thanks to the 'help' of Mercury Opposite Saturn.

Zodiac signs who learn an important life lesson during Mercury opposite Saturn starting August 1 to August 7, 2021:

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Your lesson of the day revolves around the idea of integrity. Mainly, showing up on time and not wasting the time of others.

You're not one to plan; you believe in spontaneity - and in taking your time. That's what feels natural to you, and you've lived your life this way - just going with your own flow, figuring others will move at your pace if necessary.


While you may be thinking of yourself as this groovy free spirit who is as free as the wind, you're also consciously undermining the plans of others, and during Mercury Opposite Saturn, that isn't going to work.

Your big lesson here is one you need to take with you, and that is "respect others" by showing them you care enough about their time. Integrity.

Don't show up late to a meeting because you think it's fashionable; it isn't. It's disrespectful and shows others that you not only don't listen, you only think of yourself.

Wake up, Gemini, there are others in the world besides you.

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Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

What you're about to learn, Scorpio, is that you are vulnerable.

Despite the fact that you want the world to perceive you as this victorious Force Majeur, you may just get the chance to see what little 'force' you really have, when it comes to consistency.  

How this is going to happen is by noticing the sadness in your life.

This isn't to imply that you're a sad person, but you have repressed so many things in order to come across and strong and mighty, that at the end of the day after you've spent all that energy being ferocious, you're left with some unresolved feelings - and those feelings will make you sad, or melancholy.


Your lesson is about confronting those very real feelings and allowing them to be a part of your life.

In your case, Scorpio, vulnerability is the teacher that's going to wake you up so that you may see the world from many different perspectives.

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Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Your ruling planet, Saturn, is in opposition to Mercury, and that means some strong energy is coming your way.

In this case, that energy will be directed at communication, and the lesson of speaking up and being on time.

Sure, you love control; you love being the boss - you love rules, you love restrictions...and you love having all the facts in front of you so that you can do an optimal job doing whatever it is you do.


What you haven't been realizing, is that much of what you want has not been voiced. Perhaps you think people are picking up your intentions, psychically? Guess again.

Your lesson here is this: Don't assume anything. Don't take for granted the idea that your people 'know you' and can execute your wishes to the tee, simply because they know how you work.

They will mess it all up - and it will be your fault, for not being precise with your words. Don't jeopardize an important project because you 'accidentally' forgot to be specific. Communicate!

RELATED: Facts About The Capricorn Zodiac Sign That Describe These Down-To-Earth, Ambitious People Perfectly


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Ruby Miranda has been practicing I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda