Is Bigger REALLY Better? 7 Very Honest Women Weigh In On Penis Size

Is bigger always better in bed? Or is it all about technique? Women get real about your package.

What Women Really Think ... Of Penis Size weheartit

It's the age-old question: Is bigger better? Well, is it? It seems that when it comes to penis size, men are far more concerned than women. You often hear women say that it's all about how you use it, but still, size has to come into play at some point, doesn't it?

We asked a few women their thoughts on penis size. We asked them to be as honest as possible, because we really want to know — we ALL want to know. Hopefully, with their insight, we're one step closer to figuring out if bigger truly is better or if technique is the biggest winner of all.


1. The bigger, the better.

"I like a big one, both for physical and visual pleasure (is there anything sadder-looking than a small [penis]?). By big, I mean between seven to nine inches. Nine gets into painful territory, but I still like how it looks." — Amanda, 25

2. A small penis is a disappointment.

"I have some sort of tiny-peen beacon. If a man wants to take me home from a bar, he's got a small penis. Plenty of research. Plenty of disappointment. I'm not a size queen, but something larger than a tampon would be nice, you know? That said, size DOES matter. Anyone who says differently is trying to spare your feelings, boys." — Serena, 29


3. It's all about the fit.

"I firmly believe it's all about the fit. I've been with guys of all sizes but the one I married fits the best and gets all the good spots. I don't know if it's a mental thing because I'm in love with the guy attached, or if it's legit science." — Carly, 30

4. Small is actually pretty disappointing.

"I would've said I didn't care, but then I hooked up with a recently-brokenhearted coworker and discovered three inches erect, if at all. I shamefully slept with him... twice. While size isn't important, maybe it's a chicken or egg question. Average men have produced the best results. Hugest [penis] ever was 11 to 13 inches... no idea how to quantify, but it was amazing. I'd follow the usual it's-how-you-use-it, but I'm pretty disappointed in that. So I do think not small is important." — Annaliese, 33


5. Small can be a good thing if he makes up for it.

"The greatest oral sex of my life was with a guy who had the smallest penis I'd ever seen. He was well aware that it was small, so that's why he made up for it by his amazing tongue skills. As for actual intercourse, I honestly had a really hard time feeling if it was in there or not. You at least want to be able to feel it and not have to ask if it's in there yet. But I wouldn't have traded his tongue for a bigger [penis] even if my life depended on it." — Lynne, 33

6. It depends on how you use it.

"I think it only matters if you're on the extremes (very small or very large). Otherwise, how you use it is WAY more important. And as a smaller lady, I'm a big fan of average. The fastest way to send me running is to brag about your huge [penis]. Ouch. NO." — Becky, 29


7. Small is unsatisfying.

"I have encountered some little guys and had no idea. What I'm used to is much larger than what I thought. Size matters. If you're small it just isn't as satisfying. Personally, I need size and talent. You don't have to be huge, but I prefer when there's a little something-something there. That being said, if you're too big, I'll just leave." — Autumn, 25