How To Survive Venus Retrograde In Leo 2023

Venus, the planet of love, is retrograde from July 22 to September 3 in the sign of Leo.

planet venus and zodiac signs dominate, Chikovnaya, Genphoto_art And Trendify / Canva

By now, we've all heard of the nightmare that is Mercury retrograde. But it's not the only planet that goes retrogradeDon't panic, and don't do anything rash, but this year, we'll also encounter Venus in retrograde.

What is Venus retrograde?

Venus is the planet that represents love, attraction, and money, as well as our tastes and basic beliefs about the value of objects, and the people in our lives. When Venus is retrograde, it may feel like these areas of your life are imploding.


RELATED: The Best Venus Signs (And Why)

"We're asked to pause and reflect on the trajectory, the way that things are going, around our love lives, our financial lives, our relationships with other people, our relationship to pleasure and creativity," astrology TikTok creator @zoflowastro explains in a TikTok video




Venus retrograde affects everyone, no matter what your zodiac sign is. When a planet is in retrograde, it gives us an opportunity to reflect back on unfinished business and tie up loose ends, particularly regarding the themes of the houses that Venus rules in your chart. "There's a lot of kind of review, reflection and rebranding" in these areas, says @zoflowastro in the TikTok, 

Venus retrograde dates 2023

Venus retrogrades every 18 months, with the Venus retrograde 2023 dates spanning from July 22 to September 3. 

During this retrograde period, Venus is in the sign of Leo, meaning this retrograde has a strong influence on "the topics associated with the house that Leo rules in your chart," according to @zoflowastro's TikTok.


RELATED: Your Strongest Zodiac Love Compatibility, Based On Your Venus Sign

How to survive Venus retrograde 2023

1. Don't rewrite your romantic history.

Are you thinking about your ex and the many great and wonderful things they did? When Venus is in retrograde, unresolved previous relationships or issues with former lovers might unexpectedly rope back up, signifying a need for closure. It's tempting right now to look at past relationships in a super positive way and want to rekindle that old flame, but don't do it. Try to learn from those relationships and remember they ended for a reason.


2. Give yourself some breathing room.

With Venus flipping the script, we can find almost everybody annoying, especially those nearest and dearest to us (and that includes ourselves). We may feel extra needy, while at the same time, extra irritated. To keep our relationships on track, we need to focus on how to feel complete on our own. Take a break from your loved ones and go on whatever kind of retreat that rejuvenates you. It could be anything from a writer's retreat to a spa vacation.


3. Look at your current relationship with a kind, yet honest, eye.

Back-pedaling Venus has a tendency to awaken old issues which may have previously been a source of contention between you and your partner. Now is the perfect time to get your feelings out and settle those issues that keep coming back and poking you in the gut. Be honest about why your significant other isn't meeting your needs. Is it because you haven't told them? Depending on someone to read your mind is never good for a relationship.

4. Be careful with your money.

Venus in retrograde isn't a good time to start a business, make new investments, make any major purchases, or go on a spending spree. Venus has control over money affairs and financial activities. So, when Venus is in retrograde, be careful about what you do with your money. Since our perception is off, it can cause us to make financial decisions from an emotional place rather than an objective one. Plus, during this time, investments can be over-valued, losing their value once Venus goes direct. In addition, postpone (if you can) any court dates involving monetary settlements.

5. Don't experiment with your look.

As you may know, Venus also rules beauty and taste. Now isn't the time to do anything drastic, like radically changing your hairstyle or having plastic surgery, as your emotional state will cause you to be less objective. You're also more likely to make regrettable decisions regarding how to make yourself more attractive. Try to love what you've got right now.

6. Don't overindulge your inner foodie.

Venus is the ultimate pleasure-seeker, and when she's in retrograde she can make your healthy eating and workout habits go right out the window.


7. Be creative.

One of the best ways to help you get through this time is to focus on a creative project, whether it's working on that novel you've always wanted to write, doing some fine art like painting, or even writing a song to express those feelings you never got a chance to tell your ex.

The most important thing is not to get scared by Venus in retrograde.

It happens every year and a half (ish) and you've survived it a whole bunch of times before. You'll do it again. Go along with this backward energy and take advantage of the retrograde to focus on the re-things in life: regroup, rethink, repair, revive, and restore.

RELATED: How To Manifest Using Your Venus Sign


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Christine Schoenwald is a writer, performer, and frequent contributor to YourTango. She's had articles featured in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Bustle, Medium, Huffington Post, Business Insider, and Woman's Day, among many others.