The Best Dates To Get Engaged Or Married In 2025, According To Astrology
There are certain days in 2025 that are the most auspicious for relationships.

According to astrology, the best time to get married is when Venus, Jupiter, and the Moon are linked in harmony. Venus is the planet of love and marriage and Jupiter expands whatever it touches. The Moon is linked to home and our emotional lives. With this information, we can look for the best dates to get engaged or married in 2025.
Of course, it’s best to look at your own natal chart if you are considering marriage to know what else is at play during the time you are considering. When it comes to marriage, there will frequently be a link to the seventh house which rules marriage and often it is Saturn, the planet of stability. Saturn-Venus aspects can also be positive for marriage as they lean toward stability. Many couples marry with Venus/Mars aspects, which denote passion and attraction.
Nevertheless, there are certain dates in 2025 that are auspicious for marriage in general, and if not marriage, they are still powerful days for romance and love.
The best dates to get engaged or married in 2025, according to astrology:
August 11
Venus and Jupiter are conjunct in Cancer, the sign ruling our emotions. With this transit we have the powerful rays of Jupiter expanding the love energy of Venus creating a beautiful day, perfect for a wedding.
A wedding is not only a legal commitment, it is most importantly an emotional commitment. The Cancer zodiac sign, ruled by the moon, represents family and our emotions, so Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is a good omen. Additionally, Venus is well placed in Cancer, and Jupiter in Cancer is considered exalted (or in the sign it does best in).
The Moon in Pisces trines Venus and Jupiter and Mars trines Pluto, making this a powerful day for commitment.
The Moon in Pisces is a gentle and sensitive sign and since it trines both Jupiter and Venus, this adds to the mix. Trines are very positive and easy angles for the planets to connect. Pisces is a great match for Jupiter and Venus in Cancer so you should have a day to remember.
August 26
Venus trines Saturn, which is great for a lasting relationship, and the Moon connects to Venus in Leo, the sign ruled by the Sun that gives us all warmth and life. Leo is considered a warm, loyal sign and frequently the center of attention! Its trine to Saturn is very positive and upbeat and Saturn trine Venus is known for longevity, giving the newlywed couple the ability to work through existing problems and stay together through thick and thin. This is a great transit to get married during.
Additionally, Venus sextiles Uranus, which produces an exciting if not exhilarating feeling. Venus trines Neptune as well, which can be quite beautiful and is associated with romance and compassion.
On August 26, the Moon is in Libra, the sign of marriage. Its square to Jupiter is positive and pleasant and can produce a very hopeful feeling, making this a great day for a formal commitment. Later in the day it connects to Venus, making it a perfect day for marriage.
October 9
This is an excellent day bringing all of the most important planets together!
Venus in practical Virgo forms a sextile with Jupiter, the most expansive of planets, bringing together the two most beneficial planets. Venus rules love and Jupiter in Cancer is in its best sign that rules home and family as it connects with Jupiter.
The Moon is the planetary ruler of our emotions and hour-to-hour activities, and on this day it also sextiles Jupiter, expanding our feelings. The Moon in Taurus trines Venus, the planet of love, and Taurus is known for being stable and grounded and the sign Taurus is actually ruled by Venus as well.
Lastly, the Moon's sextile to Saturn represents stability and long-lasting commitment, making this an ideal day (especially early evening) to tie the knot and say “I do!"
Aligning the wedding date with favorable astrological transits that align with both natal charts help craft a new beginning with a day that makes it altogether more meaningful.
If the transits are right, you can also avoid stress and have an overall more positive experience.
The wedding day in essence becomes the marriage chart and can foretell whether or not the marriage will last, or show specific problems or issues that might arise. It is important if you are considering taking the plunge to pick the perfect day — or at least the day that is closest to perfection and can mirror your expectations and positive results.
Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide.