6 Ways Your Relationship With The Earth Reveals Your Spiritual Wellness
Six questions that can lead to a joyous life.

It is common in the spiritual world to marvel at how we are all connected. And truly we are connected, even if it’s only because all humans living and breathing today share planet Earth.
It makes sense that our relationship with something we are all touching is a reflection of our compassion and spiritual wellness. A close examination of your life on Earth and your relationship with the planet can reveal a great deal about your spiritual health.
How big is your world?
One of my clients, Mary, is struggling with the environmental impact of the recent train derailment in Ohio. She is concerned for the health of the people and animals that live in the area. She is also frustrated that the clean-up of the hazardous material is not being prioritized.
Mary is not typically involved in environmental issues. Her voting and life choices are not dictated by laws or actions that support reversing the greenhouse effect, or keeping our water clean. Yet this chemical nightmare triggered an alarm bell somewhere in her body and mind.
Why is this particular incident a crisis for her? Many environmental disasters have happened in Mary’s life. The difference is, she has the awareness to look outside of her own world and see a more global view.
Mary is emotionally and spiritually healthier than she has ever been. She is opening up and becoming more compassionate. There is a true shift in her spiritual wellness.
6 ways to evaluate your spiritual connection to Earth and find your place in the universe
1. How do you move through your days?
Are you able to stay mindful for at least part of the day, or are you completely rushed moving from one task to another? How often do you feel grounded and connected during the day?
Ask yourself, do I live on Earth in a way that allows me to stay calm and grounded? Connecting to calm and being mindful is empowering and an important part of spiritual wellness.
2. How do you view Earth?
Maybe you see Earth as a provider of resources that will never run out. Maybe you view Earth as a big pie, and everyone can do what they want with their piece of the pie. The bigger your pie slice, the more resources you have. Possibly you feel some responsibility for the preservation of Earth, if only for future generations. Maybe you are interested in nurturing Earth in a way that can heal the damage done by humanity.
Ask yourself, do I view Earth as a living being? Viewing Earth as a living being helps you thrive with an open heart and live in the flow of abundance. This is an important part of spiritual wellness.
3. How do you connect with Earth?
This might look like spending time in parks or the wilderness. It might be gardening or taking care of animals. It might be as simple as leaning up against a big tree and breathing deeply.
Ask yourself, do I consciously connect with Earth daily? Connecting consciously with Mother Earth is another heart opener and healing to the mind, body, and soul. This is great for spiritual wellness.
4. Are you aware of your impact on Earth?
Maybe you walk or ride a bike instead of driving when you can. Do you buy ethically sourced crystals and other products? How do your food and other consumptions impact our Earth? How often do you question the far-reaching impact of your lifestyle?
Ask yourself, am I aware of my impact and have compassion for Earth? Living with compassion for Earth and all beings is the foundation for a healthy spiritual practice.
5. Is your lifestyle aligned with your belief about Earth?
This can be easy to answer unless you happen to really care about Earth. Then it becomes a little harder and requires exploring your lifestyle choices. None of us are perfect, but being aware of your impact and your place on the planet is very empowering. The use of palm oil is an easy example. It is found in many snack foods and is a huge factor in our rainforest's deforestation.
Ask yourself, is my lifestyle aligned with my love of Earth? Having a lifestyle that is aligned with your heart shows you are on your truest path. This is a great indicator you are spiritually healthy.
6. How often do you stop and really experience gratitude for all that Earth shares with us?
We are gifted amazing foods, mountains to climb and water to drink. What Earth shares with us is too big to even articulate, literally our life depends on Mother Earth.
Ask yourself: Am I grateful daily for what Earth offers me? Having gratitude for Earth and all you see opens up your heart and mind to all possibilities. Take time to answer the question above in a way where you can provide examples that support your answer. These prompts can show how mindful, compassionate, and aware you live day to day.
Why it matters
Feeling grounded, safe and supported in Earth’s energy enables you to connect with all of the universe’s energy, including your source, your guides, angels and loving ancestors. Mary researched what chemicals were spilled by the train derailment. She is also learning what products they are in. This will help her avoid them.
Mary has created an opportunity for self-empowerment, mindfulness, and compassionate action. It has given her a greater sense of purpose. She knows this one small step can create change not just in her world, but for all of Earth.
Thank you to everyone that chooses to honor Earth. It can be as easy as shifting your consumption habits and taking time to enjoy Earth every day. This awareness will lead to compassion toward all who live on Earth, including animals.
Polly Wirum is a spiritual coach and psychic. She teaches clients how to discover their truth through psychic readings, astrological readings, and intuitive life coaching. She offers guided meditation and, in some cases, guided exploration of past lives.