Woman Claims Doing One Thing For 3 Minutes A Day Brought A Massive Amount Of Money Into Her Life

The power of manifestation!

woman counting money at home @sydaproductions / Canva Pro

A manifestation content creator has provided insight into a hack that will bring more money into your life.

In a TikTok video, Ashlee Jordan claimed it took just a few minutes each day for her to notice a huge difference in the amount of money that began appearing in her life.

She claimed that doing a three-minute money manifestation each day brought her massive amounts of money.

In Jordan's video, she explained that she'd been doing this money-manifesting affirmation in October 2022 and immediately saw $4,200 unexpectedly come into her bank account. The following month, in December, the same thing happened and Ashlee had $5,800 come to her as well.


It wasn't from a job, she noted, but because she had been repeating a certain phrase every single time she would get out of the shower for three minutes a day. She explained that the more she did it, the more she began to believe.



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"You're gonna go the mirror, you're gonna look yourself dead in the eye. When you're looking yourself in the eye, you are the authority of your own subconscious and whatever you tell yourself, you're gonna believe it more than you would if you're just saying this thought in your head."

The exact phrase that Jordan used was: "Success and joy, all the wealth of this Earth, all of the riches of the universe belong to me. I am a child of this Earth in the universe and so all its riches belong to me. I once lived in thoughts of poverty and decided I was poor, so I was poor. Now I am home and the rightful consciousness has made me wealthy."

"I am rich, I am successful, this is my treasure, I am rich. I am rich, I am rich. I have everything because I am everything. I am rich, I am wealthy, I have everything. I possess all and everything. I am rich, money flows to me, I have everything."

Woman Claims Doing One Thing For 3 Minutes A Day Brought A Massive Amount Of Money Into Her LifePhoto: Luciano Spinelli / Canva Pro


Jordan insisted that if you do this manifestation every day until you have it memorized and believe it, then soon you'll notice the financial benefits and money flowing into your life.

RELATED: How To Manifest Money

She also shared the best way to manifest money in just a day.

In a follow-up video of money-manifestation affirmations, Jordan claimed that there's a phrase anyone can use that will bring an abundance of money into their lives in just 24 hours. She explained that while you're lying in bed at night, you should pretend that it's the next night and project yourself into the future.

"In your mind, you're going to bed tomorrow. Replay all of the events that happened tomorrow in your mind. You woke up, you brushed your teeth, you washed your face, you took a shower, you got dressed, you made coffee, [and] you went to work."




She also recommended adding any positive or pleasant interactions that you've had throughout the day, but just play out the day as you would've wanted it to go. "Plan your day but you're not planning, you already lived it."

"You're gonna be grateful for everything good that happened that day," she continued. "Then you're gonna end by saying, 'Thank you, God or universe, or whatever you believe in, for the unexpected financial gain I had today."

She explained that this phrase works because the law of assumption, attraction, money, love, and anything else you want, all come from the feeling of already having it. Wanting is something that comes from a lack of something you don't have, but if you assume that you have the thing you want, it has no choice but to come to you.




The law of assumption, a positive thinking tactic similar to the power of manifestation, was originally created by Neville Goddard as a method of reframing one's outlook. It states that by believing the thing you want already exists in your life, you'll manifest it into existence.

While there is no scientific proof that the law of assumption works, it's still heartening for individuals to interpret events in their lives through a positive lens.


When people start wanting to manifest more money into their lives, for example, they may be more motivated and confident in taking actions that lead to success. So, there's never harm in trying these phrases, because you never know just what can appear in your life when you least expect it.

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Nia Tipton is a Chicago-based entertainment, news, and lifestyle writer whose work delves into modern-day issues and experiences.