7 Little Rituals That Harness The Full Moon's Power To Manifest And Let Go
The full moon is more than just a phase — it’s an invitation.

For thousands of years, the full moon has been considered the ideal time for completing or releasing things. Celebrating the full moon can be traced back to many civilizations around the earth. Rituals that harness the full moon's power are wide and varied, from the simple ones I list below to more complicated and multi-step.
From Greek mythology to the Aztecs and ancient Sumerians, these cultures revered the moon Goddess for her cycles that affected agriculture and fertility. Many followed the lunar calendar gathered for spiritual rituals and spent time on reflection and connecting with the divine.
Celebrating the full moon still endures today, especially with the resurgence of Wicca and other Pagan beliefs. This lunar phase can serve as the foundation for a variety of intentions that focus on completion.
Here are a few simple rituals for harnessing the full moon's power
If you feel drawn to honor the full moon and to participate in this long-standing celestial event, this is the perfect time for any of the activities and intentions listed below.
1. Release and let go
The full moon is an ideal time to cleanse your energy and release things back into the Universe. Smudging your energy field can help you release bad habits, negative energy, thought patterns, or leftover emotions from a relationship that no longer exists.
Another way to clear yourself is to write a list of what you want to let go of on a piece of paper and then burn it. Fire is transformative, releasing what is on your list into the cosmos. Make this a ceremony and call upon your ancestors, spirit guides, and angels for help with letting go.
One last way to release what doesn’t serve you is to take an Epsom salt bath which helps you relax in the scented warm water and let go of what’s been bothering you and watch it go down the drain and transform after you soak a while, as explored by a study in Nutrients Journal.
2. Complete projects
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If you’ve been close to finishing a project, the full moon is a great time to bring things to an end. Wrap up those plans that have been hanging around or weighing you down. Whether this is for work or personal endeavors, finishing with the full moon creates a clean slate. Research in the Plos One Journal suggests you’ll feel lighter and also make room to consider something new!
You might deliver a big project to a client, go through your closet, and donate those items you don’t wear, or finally clean off your desk. Whatever is hanging over you, get it done with the help of the full moon.
3. End relationships
Have you been thinking about breaking up with someone or ending a friendship that no longer works for you? The full moon is perfect for taking care of this aspect of life. In case you’ve been biding your time or holding on to the wrong romantic partner longer than what is healthy, this is your chance to cut yourself loose.
An article in the Journal of Applied Psychology discussed how the wrong relationships can be a huge energy drain, so allow the full moon to help let go of people who aren’t supportive, are emotionally draining, or drag you down.
4. Gain clarity
With the brightness of the full moon, folklore claims secrets are often revealed, and mysteries can be cleared up. In other words, the full moon sheds light in the darkness exposing secrets and providing insights, as explored by a study in Cosmology Across Cultures.
Allow the full moon to help you get clear about what’s in your best interest, so you can decide what is best for you. Then you can make a new plan to move forward in whatever way serves you best.
5. Express gratitude
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When the moon is at its zenith, it reflects the fullness of life with its pearl-like luminosity. No matter what is happening in your life, there is always plenty to be grateful for.
Use this time to celebrate all the goodness you experience and what is going well that is often overlooked as you look at what is missing. You can write about your gratitude in a journal or simply say thank you to the Goddess, as you stand under the brilliance of the full moon.
6. Charge water and crystals
Take advantage of the full moon’s energy by charging your crystals in its beautiful light. Set your intentions for each gem or rock before you set them out on a table or railing to charge.
Another empowering option is to make moon water by filling up a closed jar or container and letting it soak up the moonbeams overnight. Drink this water throughout the month to amplify your intentions and support whatever you are releasing or manifesting.
7. Honor the cycles of life
As the full moon shares its luminous glow, think of the cycles of life, the endings, and the beginnings that are ever-present in life. By honoring this lunar event with intention and mindfulness (as suggested by research in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine), you’re tapping into ancient wisdom shared by cultures worldwide.
The full moon is more than just a phase — it’s an invitation to align with the natural rhythms of life and let go of anything that doesn’t work for you. The next time the moon reaches fullness, pause and take a moment to celebrate its magic and the radiant light it provides.
When published: RL: https://www.yourtango.com/experts/ronnieannryan/mystery-and-manifesting-magic-new-moon
Ronnie Ann Ryan is an Intuitive Coach, Past Life Reader, and author of six books. She’s the creator of the free audio course How to Ask the Universe for a Sign and Get an Answer Within 24 Hours. She's been published on ABC, BBC, and NPR.