Psychic Animal Communicator Explains The 3 Weird Things Your Cat Does That Are Actually Pretty ‘Magical’
Even if you’re not a cat owner, there are ways to channel their “magical” energy in your life.

Ask any cat owner, and they'll tell you: as weird as they are, those furry felines are truly magical beings.
Psychic animal communicator Erin Clark would agree. In a recent TikTok, she called them "strange, bizarre, magical, and wonderful.” And some of that truly weird behavior — well, according to Clark, it's actually magic in disguise.
A psychic animal communicator reveals the three weird behaviors of cats that are actually magical:
1. Cats love to ‘astral travel’ by crawling into bizarre dark spaces
“They like to sleep, rest, and have it be dark,” Clark explained. “But, they also love astral travel. They’ll find a spot in your house to go… It’s the designated area.”
Astral projection is a spiritual practice allowing the soul to leave its physical body and travel about the universe. Often referred to as “shapeshifters,” many people believe cats hold this incredible power, even once they’ve passed away.
Clark herself even recounts the story of her parent’s cat, Oreo, who passed away and returned as another stray in their home several years later — protecting them from the mice lingering around their property.
“That cat’s body allowed Oreo’s spirit to jump into it once in a while to protect the house. Oreo was still living in the spirit world…they essentially switched spots for a little while.”
By finding a really safe, secure, and closed space in your house, cats can ensure their physical body is hidden and comfortable, while their soul explores other dimensions and the universe as a whole. For some people, that might seem like a “far out there” concept, but for others — who’ve connected with late loved ones or passed animals through another vessel — it’s easy to believe.
2. Cats can act as a ‘spirit guide’ when we’re manifesting
“Work with them like you work with crystals. They’re so powerful, and they want to help you,” Clark shared. “We are so connected to our animals… Trust what comes.”
By tapping into their magical energy, cats can help guide you through the process of mindfulness and a heightened sense of awareness.
Many cat lovers and owners also suggest that manifesting with your cat, even if you’re just in close physical proximity to each other, can help promote the feelings of “Zen,” peacefulness, and present-moment mindfulness that’s essential to the practice.
“They are already a spirit guide to you. You just have to acknowledge it,” she adds. “You say, ‘I call on my cat to help me with clarity.’ Or call on the cat spirit to help you if you’re not a cat owner.”
3. When you need helpful insights, clarity, or healthy energy, just ask your cat
Outside of the more formal practices of meditation and manifestation, cats can be supportive in more “practical” ways — it’s exactly why they were so revered in ancient Egypt. They not only provided protection but they were known to signify a spiritual aura used to communicate and send messages between people.
“Chances are you’re communicating with them all the time,” Clark said. “If you ask your cat, ‘Hey, I’d like to work on my intuition,’ they will help. They’ll give you insight and guidance… It’ll just pop into your head.”
Many commenters shared how Clark's wisdom confirmed what they already suspected about their cats. “I have had so many cats bonded so close to me that it felt like we could read each other's minds,” one person wrote. “We had many conversations and moments together.”
Just like how cats and humans are able to read each other's body language, behavior, and general mood, we can pick up on their insights when we’re intentional about looking for the messages.
Your cat is more magical than you realize and is truly a guide in helping you navigate life.
Zayda Slabbekoorn is a News & Entertainment Writer at YourTango who focuses on health & wellness, social policy, and human interest stories