Women With These 4 Personality Traits Are The Very Best People To Know
These women are magnetic, authentic, and truly joyful to be around.

Ever notice how the most confident and attractive women you know seem to charm everyone around them?
It's not necessarily physical beauty; rather, it's certain personality traits they possess that radiate attraction, happiness, and empowerment from their core, drawing others to them effortlessly and causing everyone they encounter to adore them.
These are women we all admire and feel such strong connections to. And if you aren't sure if you have this type of woman in your life, there are a few key traits to look for.
Here are 4 personality traits of women who are the best people to know.
1. Authenticity
Women who are authentic are just... real. By definition, you can't fake authenticity. When you live in genuine integrity, it shows.
Acting in harmony with your values begins with how you think, continues to show in your words, and in how you act. When any one of those elements is out of balance, people see it right away. But women you want to be around have the perfect balance of all those components.
A woman's true thoughts and intentions show through subtle body language, her tone of voice, slight gestures, and word choice. That’s why your friends know when you say you’d "love" to go out with them Friday night, you’d actually prefer to audit your taxes, for example.
People pick up on these tiny disharmonies, even when they can’t detect the specific lie. They sense something isn't right. That's why a woman who is real, honest and genuine is so incredibly refreshing to be around. Because these days, authenticity is very hard to come by.
2. Kindness
These women are thoughtful and kind to others. They go out of their way to make a difference in the lives of people they know, and even those they don't, all because they want to see others happy.
Kind people make others feel good about themselves without any ulterior motive. Well-liked women aren't overly focused on themselves; instead, they focus on you and the people they surround themselves with. This type of woman really does want to know how you are when she asks.
In addition to boosting your confidence and building a strong friendship with her, spreading kindness has tremendous health benefits for both the giver and receiver by boosting serotonin levels in the brain and supercharging immunity.
Women who are the best people to know show thoughtfulness whenever they can. It's no wonder people want to be around her so badly!
3. Optimism
Well-liked women don't have less adversity in their lives than anyone else, they just relate to it differently. They choose to feel content with themselves and their lives, and that shines outward.
Happiness is an inside job. When you're around a friend who demonstrates a deep contentment in the midst of chaos, she exudes a sense of calm. And that, in turn, breeds a sense of calm and optimism in you as well.
Truly joyful people aren’t looking outside themselves to fill a void. They’re grateful rather than envious or resentful, and they show empathy toward others. It’s more appealing being near women who radiate a sense of satisfaction, instead of neediness.
When you're around women like this, you get to focus on all the good things you have going for you instead of dwelling on the latest drama.
4. Responsibility
When you’re responsible for your life, you accept (and embrace) that you have control over it. That’s a huge conviction to put into practice! It requires the ability to look at any situation and know that even if you can't ultimately control the outcome, you can, at the very least, control your response to it.
Women who take full accountability want to mend any relationship rifts. They rush to apologize and say, "I’m so sorry we aren't getting along, and for my part in it. Let’s make it work," rather than, "I never said that. You just don’t know what you’re talking about."
Women you want to be around take accountability for their feelings, and don't push them on others. They are well-rounded and can be counted on to always move through situations with a calmness.
We all want to be around others who make us comfortable. And we all want to feel accepted. So when we see someone who is comfortable with themselves, genuine, and joyful, that’s where we want to be, too.
Jan L. Bowen is an author, coach, keynote speaker, thought leader, and facilitator with over 25 years of successful corporate leadership, specializing in helping individuals find their balance.