The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Risk will always be associated with greatness.

The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Wednesday, August 3, 2022 Canva

Mars and Uranus will join Taurus on Wednesday, August 3, 2022, bringing up themes related to risk and how much you are willing to sacrifice to make your dreams a reality.  

Mars is the planet of masculine energy, ruling action, ambition, and passion, and when in Taurus, it makes quieter moves than other zodiac signs. 

This indicates that we need to work on a long-term strategy instead of making quick impulsive decisions. 


Mars wants to act, but in Taurus it has been acting like a predator hunting its prey, waiting for precisely the right moment to strike. 

As Mars joins together with Uranus in Taurus, the planet of sudden and unexpected change, the waiting is over. 

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Whatever you have been silently plotting or planning up until this moment will now be ready to be jumped up with certainty and passion.  

Mars is fantastic energy for making changes because this planet understands risk and sacrifice.

It does not try to have it all or to appease everyone in the process. It knows what is important and it takes its aim at directly what is necessary to accomplish its goals-and so will you.  


The Libra Moon is adding some balanced harmonious energy to the day which means that while you may have to make some risky or unpopular decisions, it is also all for a more balanced self and life.  

Progress is not made by only doing what is easy or what seems like it is the most readily available.  

Instead, it is a process of understanding where you need to be with yourself and your own life and then making sure that nothing stands in the way.  

The risk may seem scary at times because there is an improbability of what the outcome will be, however, all wonderful things require significant risk. 

You just must be willing to take a gamble and remember that you are the sure thing.  


Here's why these three zodiac signs will have the best horoscopes on Wednesday, August 3, 2022.

1. Aries  

(March 21 - April 19) 

The Moon in Libra all day will activate thoughts involving your romantic relationship. Mars, your ruling planet, is currently in Taurus, prompting you to think through some big life changes involving this aspect of your life.

You are a sign that naturally leads the way forward so it is no surprise in this situation that you will be the one to do that. Creating change can always be intimidating but right now the universe does have your back, so it is time to recognize the power held within this moment.

Today reflect on where you feel constricted by your romantic life or even choices. Even if it is not the relationship specifically, it is the dynamic or even living arrangements whether that means you are craving more or even less commitment.


A decision does not need to be made but it is also okay if one is. You have time to create a plan of action and to prepare yourself and anyone involved for what will occur in the future. During this time, it is incredibly important to go back to the dreams that you had for your life and how long you abandoned them.

Return to this truth within yourself of what you envision yourself to be and the life you want to live, especially romantically so that you can start on the path towards making all of it a reality.  

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2. Libra  

(September 23 - October 22) 

Under the Libra Moon energy, you will be put back in touch with your feelings. With Venus in Cancer and Mars in Taurus, there may be a tendency to reflect on your romantic life; however, it could also involve family, self-love or even a career that brings purpose.


Whatever it is, allow yourself the time to see how you truly feel about the situation. Mars and Uranus in Taurus today unite almost operating as one energy which means that if you have been trying to keep the peace you may discover that you have sacrificed your own in the process.

Use this to your advantage today and realize that you sometimes do need to encounter challenges or chaos in your life to bring greater peace to it.

This is not about losing a sense of control over your own life, but it does allow you to return to the space where you are not holding things inside at the expense of yourself.

Your peace in any area of your life must be your most valuable commodity and if anything ends because you took the risk of speaking your truth, then it was never supposed to last. Trust yourself and do not be afraid to make a few waves.  


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3. Taurus  

(April 20 - May 20) 

As much as you have been experiencing a rewiring of sorts, today you are going to be asked to reflect on if you are still restricting or limiting yourself because of fear. The universe is yours for the taking right now, especially with the Uranus North Node union in your sign only a few days ago but it may be hard to believe that things have changed.


This is part of your work, and you are a blessing today as you must reflect on any lingering fears you have about creating something new or even taking a risk for something or someone that you love. You cannot play life safe and expect that it is just going to magically come together as everything that you had wanted it to be.

Instead, it is going to be a process of you taking those risks.

Lucky for you Mars in Taurus is going to help you do that. It does not mean that everything is going to come easy, but you will be able to plan and then begin to take small steps of risk so that you can eventually see it always pays off.

The only guarantee in life is that if you do not try, you will always fail. You have come too far to just let things go or leave them to chance, take control and believe in yourself and the power to create this next chapter of your life.  


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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website