The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Have The Best Horoscopes On Saturday, March 26, 2022

It is time to say yes to life.

zodiac signs best horoscope march 26 2022 Katsiaryna Endruszkiewicz on Unsplash 

As we move away from the Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn, each zodiac sign can see all the opportunities that our fears had been blocking. It is a time of suddenly feeling drawn towards the new.  

The Moon stays in Capricorn until the evening hours of Saturday and is quite active, which will help you interpret your emotions in a new way.  

During the first few months of the year, our horoscopes showed that life was less about saying yes and more about figuring out why we were not. There were a lot of lessons to see just how far you have gone into your own healing and even about the choices that you have made in your relationship. At this point of the astrological year though, everything is different, and it is about time that you catch up and realize it. 


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The Moon will make several connections today which inspire you to explore your deepest desires and feelings without fear. This allows you to embrace not just the growth of the last few months, but also your authentic needs for yourself, your life, and your romantic relationship.  


Helping you along this new path of saying yes to life is an encounter between Mercury and Pluto. This energy has the planet that rules your communication and thoughts meeting up with the ruler of the underworld and your deepest truths.  

Today, March 26, 2022, is not just one for saying an internal yes at the opportunities that are revealing themselves but in having those conversations in which you honor your truth and speak up about what it is you truly feel and need.  

Once the Moon shifts into Aquarius you will be able to take off in a new direction. Taking all the energy of today and working with it so that it becomes that first steppingstone in an entirely new direction. All you have to do is say yes.  

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The three zodiac signs who have the best horoscope today, March 26, 2022: 

1. Capricorn  

(December 22 - January 19) 

While everyone has been under your Capricorn influence since November, you have been working through some intense and key areas of your life. With Venus occupying your sign for four months it has been a challenging time of seeing if your life and relationship honors your internal worth. This has made you consider the stories that you have told yourself around not receiving what you deserve.

In the past, you were more likely to take the stance of not believing that you could have what you dream of. Whether in your career, your friendships or relationship, it was easier to question yourself or to make excuses for others. This may have ended up with you putting in 120% thinking it would make up for the lack, but all that it did was emotionally exhaust you.

This last quarter moon is a big one and is responsible for you having a change of heart and letting go of that need to keep doing more to make up for others doing less. Take today’s energy and let it help you make that final shift to speaking your truth, not worrying about other feelings, and trusting in the path as it unfolds around you.  


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2. Pisces  

(February 19 - March 20) 

You have had a bit of an extension on Pisces Season as Mercury in your sign since March 9 has been at play helping you have a return to your true self. This is allowing you to move through the lessons of this birthday season with the ability to speak directly from your heart.

Worthiness is a big theme for everyone right now and for you it always is because part of your journey includes realizing that you cannot be a martyr in life and expect that others will automatically reciprocate your energy. Today’s connection with Mercury and Pluto helps you to dig deep within yourself and be able to communicate in a unique way that you normally do.


While you always are a deep feeler, you often share feelings more than thoughts or even censor yourself based on what you think others may be able to handle. This energy today though has you feeling more grounded in your own truth which allows you to speak from this place without also trying to control the outcome. Because you are within a changing landscape in your life, the effects of today's shift may not be apparent until mid-April.

Trust the seeds you are planting now and keep saying yes to what comes up, even if it is different than what you had imagined.  

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3. Aquarius  

(January 20 - February 18) 


With the surplus of Aquarian energy that has been pouring in since the first week of March, you’ve been asked to do some deep dives in your true feelings about things, especially those important relationships in your life. This is because both Mars and Venus entered your sign and since then have been bringing up all aspects of love, worth and even passion.

Now, as you have moved through the last quarter moon, what you need to release or no longer carry as yours will have a profound effect on your life. This energy peaks today but you may find that themes linger for the next week before Venus moves into Pisces, giving you time to truly look at what this month was meant to help you connect the dots on. And that is exactly what this energy is about.

It is not necessarily a big reveal or even having something change so dramatically so that it is no longer a part of your life. But a deeper connection that will help you see what has really been going on behind the scenes. Even though the moon is active prior to shifting into your sign, you will not see your own truth and that of other situations and relationships until the evening when you are supported in your reflection.


Sometimes what you must release is not always a person or thing, but your own way of viewing something.  

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love.