3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On August 21, 2021

Thankfully, there's only 24 hours to the day.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On August 21, 2021 Zoff/Shutterstock.com

On Saturday, August 21, three zodiac signs who will have a rough day can blame the negative energy on the planet of chaos.

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While everyone else is looking forward to observing the beauty of the Full Moon phase, there are others who dread this occasion.

The Full Moon, which takes place in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, will give three zodiac signs a run for their money.


They will need to brace themselves for the worst which will last a full day.

Taurus, Cancer, and Scorpio will have the roughest day of all compared to the rest of us.

The Moon will speak to Uranus during the Full Moon lunar phase cycle. The Full Moon is about letting go and releasing energy.

But, with Uranus involved something could be taken away quickly without notice.

This could mean that a release is actually an unexpected loss, and these three zodiac signs will confess that they weren't expecting it.

Zodiac signs who will have a rough day on August 21, 2021:

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

It wouldn't be so bad that the Full Moon takes place in the zodiac sign of Aquarius but you needed time to think things through before rocking the boat at your job.


The Moon in the zodiac sign of Aquarius affects your career and social status, and is at risk for losing what you worked hard to have.

On one hand, opportunity is knocking. You have a chance to finally resolve a complication at work. Letting something go sets you in a better position amongst your peers, but there's loss that makes the day turn for the worst.

You have to be very careful right now. The Full Moon taking place in Aquarius can also allude to a potential job loss.

You might find yourself in a position of arrogance where you make a decision to quit prematurely.

You might decide that you'll refuse to follow a rule, because Aquarius represents the rule breaker, and you could walk out without notice.


This could put you in a predicament. Without any cushion financially, you might compromise your next few months salary for the sake of being right at the moment.

What you will not want to do is assume that whatever it is you decide to do will work out for you. The truth of the matter is, sometimes it will not.

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Although the day comes with lots of energy in your spiritual sector, this actually creates a type of compromise for you.

You'd prefer to keep your personal thoughts and beliefs to yourself, but on August 21, you might go too far with expressing opinions.


When you find yourself in a situation that you have to share more than you're comfortable with, it can become an all day affair for you.

You may be worrying and pondering whether or not you said too much. You might lose sleep over the matter.

This can cause you to wonder whether or not you crossed a boundary with a friend completely ruining your day.

To be quite frank, it would probably have done better if you declined when asked your opinion. You should have just said you don't like to share whether or not you agree on something so controversial.

But this type of hindsight, which is 2020, won't be helpful to you at all, and that might be what makes the day feel emotionally rough for you.


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Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

If there's one thing that you cannot stand Scorpio, is people talking way too much.

You find the chitter chatter of gossip a waste of time. And, too much of it grinds your personal preferences.


It's difficult when everyone has decided that they want to live their lives like an open book. On August 21, you might hit a wall and find this sickening.

You would wish that they would all keep it shut. And because the whole entire world thinks it's OK to be transparent in the name of honesty, you are going to introvert inside of yourself even more just to keep the universe in balance.

All of this pressure to say what's on your mind can have you feeling wound up tight. And, for this reason, the day could be pretty pretty rough for you, even though you can handle yourself until tomorrow.

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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
