21 Tips For Taking Care Of Yourself When You Feel Like Shutting Down

Self-care is not something you do once in awhile.

Self-Care Tips For How To Take Care Of Yourself When You're Suffering From Stress, Exhaustion, & Burnout Symptoms Kaylah Otto via unsplash

We’ve all been there: had a bad day at work, the kids won’t stop screaming and there is nothing in the fridge for dinner. It never ends. You feel like you will never catch up.

Life is full of surprises. We can’t go back and we can’t predict the future.

And sometimes, you forget to take care of yourself in the process.

RELATED: 7 Ways You Should Be Taking Care Of Yourself (Every Day)


You could be going through a tough time. Perhaps you've just had a recent breakup or did a sudden move.

You may also be struggling with anxiety or depression. If that is the case, it’s best to talk to a professional and get it properly treated. Causes of anxiety or depression vary from environmental to chemical.

Self-care should not be something you do once in a while when you're exhausted. You need to get into the practice of taking care of yourself every day. This helps prevent burnout.

When you learn how to take care of yourself, you feel better about yourself — it shows. Your family and friends will also notice.


If you feel yourself close to shutting down from stress and burnout, here are 21 self-care tips to try.

1. Sleep on it

You really need a good night’s rest. This will allow your body and your mind to revive from the exhaustion you're feeling.

2. Talk it out

Call a friend or family member and talk about how you are feeling. Wait for their feedback.

3. Take a self-care day

Call in sick, relax, and play during the day. Stay away from electronic gadgets — they will only make you feel like working.

4. Stop saying "yes" when you mean "no"

This will help with your self-care plan. Say "no" to extra obligations and chores. Or, better yet, delegate them.


5. Re-read your favorite books from childhood

Spend time reminiscing about the good times from your childhood. It’s easy to remember the negative, so start remembering the positive.

6. Go to a museum

There are some gorgeous pieces of art out there. Spend the day there and leave your phone at home.

7. Ask for help

When you're stressed about the work you have to do , ask help from whoever you need it from — your boss, spouse, co-worker, pastor or friend.

Asking for help does not mean you are weak.

8. Breathe slowly

Stop and take a few deep breaths. Breathe into a count of four and out to a count of six.

9. Go for a walk

You sit for most of the day and it’s usually under fluorescent light. Get out in the sunshine. You’ll love the benefits of Vitamin D.


10. Stay hydrated

When was the last time you had a glass of water? Water is good for your body and your brain.

RELATED: 4 Ways To Take Care Of Yourself When You're Completely Exhausted

11. Take a bubble bath

When was the last time you shut the door and just soaked in a tub? You can close your eyes and relax. You can also light a candle.

12. Read inspirational quotes

You can always write them down and keep them with you. The next time you are feeling down, you can read one.

13. Write a list of 25 things you are grateful for

Start with family and a roof over your head.

14. Spend a little money on yourself

Buy the shoes, jewelry, or clothes you’ve been dying to have.


15. Look at photos of people and pets you love

Set them up as wallpaper on your computer or phone.

16. Go to the park

Sit in the sun on a blanket and read your favorite book.

17. Do absolutely nothing

Shut off the lights and stare off into space, if you like. This will give your brain a break.

18. Allow yourself to cry

If you need to, do it. You'll feel better.


19. Play with a child

Get down on their level and play. You can go in the backyard and put your hands in the dirt or run through the sprinkler. Remember how fun that was as a child.

20. Develop a morning ritual for yourself

My favorite is having a cup of coffee with my kitty. She sits on my lap and purrs. It’s a great way to start the day.

21. Write a letter to God

When was the last time you had a conversation with God? He really does have your back. Let God know how you are feeling and what you need help in.

The purpose of this list is to help you get started in changing your mindset. Pick out a few of the above stress relief tips and start using them today. See which ones work best.


We all go through tough times. It's normal. Try not to judge yourself for it. You deserve a break so remember to take care of yourself.

RELATED: 10 Ways To Take Better Care Of Yourself While You're Single

Lianne Avila is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in San Mateo, CA. She has helped many people that are on the brink of shutting down, turn things around. For a free 15-minute phone consultation or more information, please visit Lessons for Love.