16 LUSTY Love Quotes For The Horny Women In The Group

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For a lot of us, a brilliant mind is infinitely sexier than a perfectly toned physique, and any person who can turn a seductive phrase acts as an ultimate aphrodisiac. Because what's better than someone who just has a way with words without even really trying?

Perhaps this is a hold-over from the days before photography, when lovers had to rely on words to initially stimulate each other — particularly via postal correspondence — or maybe it's just because, in a world of nonstop, in-your-face sexuality coming at us from all angles, being teased with nuance and imagination is such a rare skill that we don't see very often.


And it doesn't help that movies seem to give us an unrealistic idea about romance in the modern world, where men still send love letters and flowers, and women are more than willing to let men chase them. Yes, in a world of text message breakups and emoji proposals, a thoughtful consideration of the merits of boning is quite the novelty. 

Even if you’re not one for sensual soliloquies or erudite erotica, you have to admit there’s something impressive about a lover who can, ahem... “flood your basement” with a perfectly-crafted suggestion. Anyone who can command a physical response to a verbal remark subtly promises more of the same behind a closed boudoir curtain.


Or, in simpler terms: If he can get your juices flowing with a few simple words, imagine what else that tongue can do. (You might let your imagination run wild with that imagery, and we totally encourage it.)

Here's a list of sexy love quotes for those of us who crave the lusty language that comes from a collection of cunning linguists. Be warned: these love quotes might get you a little hot and bothered. And that's perfectly fine.

1A little bit of body language.

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“The conversation between your fingers and someone else’s skin. This is the most important discussion you can ever have.” —Iain Thomas


2Speaking in tongues.

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“I speak two languages: body and English." —Mae West


3Maybe she's into BDSM.

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“He was now in that state of fire that she loved. She wanted to be burnt.” —Anaïs Nin


4Baby, won't you light my fire?

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“Each of us is born with a box of matches inside us but we can't strike them all by ourselves” —Laura Esquivel

5Yeah, we know.

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“Sick and perverted always appeals to me.” —Madonna


6Seems like a recipe for a divorce.

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“He was the kind of man I wanted: wild, hot, horny, and losing control.” —Fiona Thrust

7Can every man say things like this?

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“To have her here in bed with me, breathing on me, her hair in my mouth — I count that something of a miracle.” —Henry Miller


8Well, this is how couples end up in divorce court.

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“The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.” —Oscar Wilde

9Um, yes please.

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“I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees.” —Pablo Neruda


10I hope she uses protection.

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"I like to wake up each morning feeling a new man." —Jean Harlow

11My boyfriend needs to start writing me these kinds of letters.

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“You are going to be here beside me, in my arms, on my breast, on my mouth? Take wing and come, come... A kiss on your heart, and one much lower down, much lower!" —Napoleon Bonaparte in a letter to his wife, Josephine


12What a bad ass lady.

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“Ten men waiting for me at the door? Send one of them home; I'm tired.” —Mae West


13Shakespeare, you dirty dog.

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“Graze on my lips; and if those hills be dry, stray lower, where the pleasant fountains lie.” —William Shakespeare


14So, I have to sleep with a guy in order to get to know him?

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“It's a fact that some men conceal the greater part of their personality between their legs.” —Tom Robbins

15A morbid lover.

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“If an orgasm is a little death, then meet me in the bedroom and we’ll write each other’s eulogies.” —Marisa B. Crane


16So, are you saying that my ambition to pay off my student loans has something to do with lust?

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“Lust is to the other passions what the nervous fluid is to life; it supports them all, lends strength to them all. Ambition, cruelty, avarice, revenge, are all founded on lust.” —Marquis de Sade


If you're searching for the best quotes and memes to share with the people you love (or just want to feel inspired yourself) ... look no further! From the sweetest love quotesinspirational sayings, and hilarious relationship truths, we've got you covered.