6 Non-Obvious Things Men Will Do When They Love You With Their Heart, Not Just Their Head
If these signs resonate with you, he loves all of you.

Some men are not known for their capability of expressing their emotions. It can be hard to put into words just exactly what the mind and heart are feeling. But for those men, they prefer to let their actions speak louder than their words.
Men are brought up with societal expectations that they must be pillars of support for their friends, family, and loved ones. Showing emotion isn't considered "manly" by their peers. And, unfortunately, this can leave the women in a man's life wondering, "Does he love me?" But when men finally decide to bring down the walls and let a person into their hearts, not just their heads, they make sure that special someone knows how much they're loved.
Here are six things men will do when they love you with their hearts, not just their heads:
1. He loves you for who you are, not what you look like
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Ironically enough, as the world shifts more towards superficial beauty and a hook-up style culture, more and more men are choosing women for who they are rather than who looks the best.
While looks are important in some aspects of attraction, these men look deep into a woman's soul, paying attention to her values, morals, and who she is at her core.
2. He protects you
Miljan Zivkovic / Shutterstock
Men who are truly, deeply in love are always on guard of their partner, making sure both physical and emotional harm never reaches their loved one. They're always ready to stand in harm's way if it means the safety of their partner.
Whether it's protecting them from an altercation or ensuring their emotional safety by way of comfort and security, a man who is in love is adamant about protecting his partner. Additionally, he never thinks to hurt the people he loves.
A man's protective stance toward his partner is often interpreted as a sign of love. This behavior signifies a commitment to their well-being, a desire to shield them from harm, and a deep sense of care and responsibility, which are key components of a healthy romantic relationship. A 2022 analysis concluded this behavior could be mainly linked to attachment theory, where feeling secure and protected by a partner is crucial for fostering trust and intimacy.
3. He wants to know your opinion
Yuri A / Shutterstock
Men who love and adore their partners always value what they have to say. Whether it's an extreme political view, a stance on religion, or what color to paint the living room, he's always willing to hear her side of things.
When a man values his partner's thoughts, no matter the subject, it shows that he truly trusts her. He wants her input! He values how she truly feels about the topic at hand. If a man goes out of his way to pick his partner's brain, it's a huge sign that he's in love.
4. He goes out of his way for you
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A man who is in love will almost always drop whatever he's doing if his partner needs help. She's easily his top priority, and if there's any way he can fix her problems, he's going to do it. This could mean walking across town to get something she left at home or simply leaving a party early because she would rather be somewhere else.
It also means doing small things, like buying her favorite things, just because, as a way to prove his loyalty and love. He makes it a point to put her needs above his own, without sacrificing his well-being in the process. He's conscientious and considerate, and he makes sure she knows it.
This signifies a strong expression of love, often linked to acts of service within the love language framework. It demonstrates a willingness to prioritize one's partner's needs and well-being, even when it requires extra effort or inconvenience. According to a 2012 study, this behavior is often associated with a deep level of commitment and care within a relationship.
5. He lets you live your own life
Yuri A / Shutterstock
A theme that commonly happens in long-term relationships is co-dependency. Some men struggle when their partners don't spend every single second with them. It's as if he can't maintain independence in his relationship and is defined by it.
If a man truly loves his partner, he will be more than okay with her spending time with other people, whether it be girlfriends, coworkers, or family. He doesn't get jealous and he doesn't try to hold her back from seeing the people she cares about. He encourages it.
He recognizes that we all need time to be independent and practice the things that make us who we are. He also knows that his partner had a life of independence before he came around, and he wants to honor that by letting her live her life outside of her relationship with him.
6. He's your biggest cheerleader
Irene Miller | Shutterstock
He takes the time to acknowledge and genuinely appreciate your achievements, no matter how minor. He encourages you to pursue your goals and believes in your potential, even when you doubt yourself.
Celebrating their achievements, encouraging their dreams, and supporting them through challenges are considered a strong indicator of love. It demonstrates a high level of positive regard and commitment within a relationship, leading to greater relationship satisfaction and a feeling of being valued by your partner.
A 2021 study concluded that actively cheering on your partner reinforces their positive behaviors and motivates them to continue striving towards their goals.
He will do whatever he can to support your dreams and passions. Your success will make him as happy as his success. He will be so proud of you every step of the way.
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