3 Zodiac Signs Overcome Big Struggles After The Chaos Of January 18
These zodiac signs take the universe's test head-on.

January 18, 2025 — what does astrology tell us on this big and beautiful day? Well, we're in store for a major transit, one that will both test our patience and set us on the right track. This energy is like a test from the universe for three zodiac signs that must get through our struggles in order to live a life of abundance.
What better transit to provide such a lesson than Venus conjunct Saturn? Here we have Saturn's 'testy' attitude mixed in with Venus' loving and soft acceptance causing some serious chaos. In order for us to get to the best part of the day, we're going to have to learn a powerful life lesson or two. OK, bring it on. We are more than ready.
Venus conjunct Saturn always lets us know we will be fine. That's the Venus effect. If Saturn is the taskmaster, then Venus is the warm hug at the end of a task well performed. This Saturday will bring end with our struggles being over and that makes the chaos ahead of time more than worth it.
Three zodiac signs overcome struggles on January 18, 2025:
1. Aries
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Alright universe, be that way if you must. That's your basic feeling during Venus conjunct Saturn on January 18. You feel as if you don't stop trying and that the last thing you need right now is something to stand in your way. Don't worry, Aries, this won't last.
Everything always comes with a struggle to overcome, and it's just best for our mental health to accept it and wait for it to pass. Venus conjunct Saturn shows us that everything 'will' be alright, but that we must hang tight and have a little blessed patience.
The only thing that really annoys you on this day is that you have been going out of your way to show the universe that your intentions are good, and while all of that is very real, the universe still has a couple of hurdles for you to leap over...knowing you'll do so successfully.
2. Virgo
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The good thing about this day, during Venus conjunct Saturn, is that the test you know you're about to endure is one you've expected for a while now. It's OK with you. It's not on your wish list of 'things I want to endure,' but you'll get by and know it.
That's the thing about Venus conjunct Saturn; it shows us that if we stick with the plan, we get the results we want that's the Venus part. But the 'conjunct Saturn' bit is where chaos comes in. Thanks, as always, Saturn, you know how to kill the buzz.
But it's OK, and you'll survive and overcome your struggles; there's no biggie. This is likely a work-related 'test,' and it probably has to do with a co-worker, shocker! Yes, yes, you've been there before, and you'll probably be there again, but you're a seasoned player, and there isn't a test you haven't passed.
3. Scorpio
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OK, so it's that time, is it? Bring it on. You are so used to struggle that it's not a big deal to go through it and get to the other side. And so much of Venus conjunct Saturn's energy is about stamina.
That's all that's really needed of you during January 18, Scorpio. Just get through it, and do it knowing that once you complete whatever this test requires, you'll be in the clear and everything will go your way.
Nobody likes to be put on hold, especially when the goal is right there, in sight, and being put on hold tests your patience during this day. But it's just 'on hold', and it isn't permanent. You'll wait, you'll tap your fingers, you'll nervously bounce your legs and then you'll notice what you have been struggling with simply goes away. Done and done.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.