Life Gets Better For 3 Zodiac Signs On December 31, 2024
Happy New Year is not an empty's the real deal.

On December 31, 2024, life gets better for three specific zodiac signs. We're almost there, my fellow zodiac signs! Not a person on the face of the planet is unaware of what this day means, and as we all shift to a brand new year, we can thank our lucky astrological stars for this day's amazing and blessed transit.
When the Moon aligns with Saturn, we get to both reflect and project. That means that at least three zodiac signs will take stock in the knowledge that while we went through a LOT this year, we're still standing. And we've gotten better.
What we feel during this Saturn-Moon transit is luck, plain and simple. We made it through the storm and are now wizened and uplifted by our singular experience. We can now process all of our experiences as great lessons worth learning. We call this luck. Happy New Year is not an empty sentence. It's the real deal.
Life gets better for three zodiac signs on December 31, 2024:
1. Taurus
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Luck is what happens to you when you think positively and follow through on your deepest desires. In other words, you create your luck, and life gets better. Taurus, you've always known this to be true. You will once again wave your magic wand and create something from nothing.
During this day's Saturn-Moon alignment, you'll have a choice; you can moan and groan through life, complaining about everything while hoping it changes, OR you can 'be the change you want to see in the world.'
When people say 'Happy New Year' to you at midnight, you don't take it lightly; you make this your new mantra. Yes, it will be a very happy new year, and yes, you believe with all of your heart that this upcoming year is your lucky year. Yes indeed.
2. Libra
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Much like Taurus, you tend to believe that life is what you make of it, and if that design is left up to you, then you will most certainly create the ultimate scenario of good luck and great fortune for yourself. You have much to look forward to, and this day's Saturn-Moon transit reminds you that it is up to you to make this happen.
Of course, you are supported by the universe, but that doesn't take the pressure off of you, Libra; you must continue with your self-belief and the trust you have that all things eventually turn out well.
As a Libra, you know that the good comes with the bad and vice versa, and even though the Saturn-Moon alignment cements this idea in your mind, you are still about to have yourself an incredible New Year's Evening. All the best to you and yours, Libra. The luck is on your side now.
3. Sagittarius
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The words, 'Happy New Year,' hit you hard this time because you are so tired of everyone feeling down in the dumps, acting as if there's nothing to look forward to. What will happen to you, Sagittarius, is that on December 31, 2024, you'll be the one to set an example for others.
You won't be part of the crowd, but that doesn't mean you won't join in on the party. This means you refuse to take in any negative energy, certainly not today. You believe your mind is the most powerful player, so on this last day of the year, you give your mind a break.
Saturn-Moon energy is there to remind us that it's really up to us to make life better or create our luck and happiness, and this seems like a very easy path to follow for you, Sagittarius. The words 'happy new year' are music to your ears because at the end of the believe it. Much goodness your way!
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.