3 Zodiac Signs Overcome The Past & Step Back Into Their Power On November 18
The future holds something beautiful for us.

On November 18, 2024, three specific zodiac signs will break free from the past and step back into their personal power. Monday's astrology points us in the direction of transit Sun trine Neptune, and this could be a day of true liberation. We are all made up of the sum of our experiences; some of us are stuck in those experiences.
We know we aren't doing ourselves any great favors by sticking with this past version of ourselves, and we know very well that it's time to move on. We get that the end of the year is coming and that we need to wrap this show up, and finally, thanks to Sun trine Neptune, we do.
So, we will see three zodiac signs come to terms with their resistance to change, and we will person-up and powerfully transform ourselves. Sun trine Neptune shows us that all it takes is self-belief and an attitude of confidence and trust. We must trust that the future holds something beautiful for us. Sun trine Neptune finally allows us to step back into our power.
Three zodiac signs overcome the past and step back into their power on November 18, 2024:
1. Aries
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We can all agree this life is very hard to live through, and one thing that keeps us going is the lessons we've learned that help us survive. In your life, you've gathered so much information, based on all of your life's experience, that you feel you've accumulated a pretty good survival strategy.
The only problem here is that you've become a little stiff; your beliefs work for you, but they sometimes fall short, simply because they are either obsolete or too stuck, as in...you can become stuck in your ways, and as you've started to notice, sometimes that doesn't work out.
On November 18, you get to see a different path for yourself, which has to do with the presence of Sun trine Neptune in your cosmic sky. All it takes is a real honest look at what you've created to see what you need to release back into the universe and what to keep. Break free of the past and enter the now.
2. Virgo
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What you've been doing over the years is building up an image of yourself that you believe reads as strong, individual, and unfailing. You like this image, but you've also started to see that there's more to you than what you project to the world. Transits like Sun trine Neptune help you out of that pattern.
Sun trine Neptune is a very positive cosmic event, and when it influences the zodiac sign of Virgo, it sort of ... loosens you up. You've been accused of being somewhat uptight before, and while that doesn't bother you, it does seem to have some truth to it, and that uptightness is what's preventing you from letting go of the old, dead past.
Someone will say something to you that will make you think. And once you get to thinking, you take it all the way, Virgo, and what this will lead to is you deciding that you need a fresh new take on the past because you are now very conscious that the future awaits, and you will be bringing your best game.
3. Capricorn
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The past has always had a stronghold on you, Capricorn, as you've built so much of your identity on what happened in the past. You feel you owe the people of the past something, but that due date is long gone, and you don't owe anyone anything anymore.
During Sun trine Neptune, it will hit you — in a very positive way — and tell you that there's a whole new world awaiting you, and it contains people who love you and things to become a part of right now. The past plays very little importance in your life, Capricorn, and you accept that.
This is where it all changes for you, and holy moly, will you be glad you started to see it this way? Sun trine Neptune is a beautiful and active transit that really helps us to see things from a different perspective. This day marks the beginning of a new powerful you and you'll love it!
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.