The Universe Has A Special Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On September 3, 2024
We've got ourselves inspiration for change.

On September 3, 2024, the cosmic sky is filled with promise; we've got astrological transits that are here to deliver important and special messages to those who are ready to hear them. In this case, we're looking at four zodiac signs, and how they take to the transit of Mars square Neptune.
Mars square Neptune is no ordinary run-o-the-mill aspect; this is one of those stir-things-up kinds of cosmic transits that have certain people getting the hint.
The special message that comes to us as of this day is the one that lets us know we have to get out of our heads and make something of ourselves. Mars is pushy, and Neptune is thoughtful...put them together in a squared equation, and we've got ourselves inspiration for change.
The universe has a special message for four zodiac signs on September 3, 2024.
1. Taurus
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The special message of the day: Get up and do it. Yes, it's that easy and that simple. The universe uses the transit of Mars square Neptune to stimulate your brain into doing something with your life. Now, that's not to imply that you're doing nothing; you are working in perfect harmony with the universe, but on this day, September 3, you are being given an additional clue as to what you should do with your time.
You know that this has been coming; you are fully aware that you've wasted enough time doing this, that, and the other thing all to avoid the big thing you have to do, and on this day, during Mars square Neptune, you'll be coming to terms with that reality.
And the great part is that it's good for you. This change you'll be making, or rather...this action you'll be taking — it helps your life, and while you tend to be lazy, the universe is coming right at you on this day to tell you to haul it, Taurus. Make the move. Now.
2. Cancer
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Time for a message from the universe, Cancer. Are you ready to hear what you need to hear? Good, because Mars square Neptune is the delivery system by which this universal hint will take place. And you will understand what's going on because you, yourself, knew it was coming.
You've got a transit like Mars square Neptune at your back; you will be inspired to take what's in your mind and make it into reality. There's a realistic aspect to all of this, too, which leads you to the understanding that whatever it is in your mind, you must be realistic about it, or it won't come to pass.
In other words, this is the day you understand that what you want is within your grasp but that it's up to you to make it so. So, the universe tells you that if you want success, you can have it all if you accept that you have to work to achieve it.
3. Scorpio
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Mars square Neptune is no slacker transit, and in your case, Scorpio, you're going to feel its presence in your life in a very big way, as this day, September 3, is all about you getting the point. The message you will receive on this day, via this complex and powerful cosmic aspect, is the one that tells you to move on that idea of yours...and to do it now.
This day comes with inspiration, but it's more like doing something other than marveling at inspiring thoughts. This day can only be handled by someone like you, Scorpio. It's a day of action and results; your message is to get involved.
You can't be in the presence of Mars square Neptune without feeling stimulated and inspired; you have wanted something to come through for a while, and it's going to take place on this day, so get your head in the game and your body ready to move, because it's on, Scorpio.
4. Pisces
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When you receive the message that the universe has in store for you on September 3, 2024, you will snap into action and get yourself stoked for what is to come. During this day's transit, Mars square Neptune, you'll feel very adamant about completing things. This is the nature of this particular transit.
And so, because you don't like to dawdle for too long, you'll use this transit as your inspiration. This is when you'll finally put your money where your mouth is, as they say, and you'll be glad you did. The universe is trying to get this to you: Act now, worry later.
What the universe brings you on this date is the idea that you don't have forever to put things off and that if you get yourself together and put on a brave face, you might be able to move mountains. This is a special day, and the cosmos is on your side, Pisces. Make the moves, do the actions...enjoy life in the now moment.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.