3 Zodiac Signs That Overcome Life's Challenges The Week Of August 12-18, 2024
This week is looking to be rough and tumble.

The week of August 12 - 18, 2024, is looking to be rough and tumble, especially as we approach the latter part of the week. This week, the most challenged signs are Aquarius, Leo, and Scorpio.
On Wednesday, Mars conjuncts Jupiter, a transit that almost always has to do with politics in the world. Tell me this is a shock — not! This transit isn't generally negative, but some may blow things out of proportion.
Mercury re-enters Leo and don’t forget, it’s retrograde! On Friday, Mars squares Saturn, which is generally a negative and draining transit. Be careful how you approach others because there is bound to be anger in the lives of some. Bear in mind that while this transit is exactly on August 15-16, we will feel this energy in the days before as well.
Finally, Mercury squares Uranus on Saturday, bringing nervous irritation and the potential for sudden and unexpected news. The Sun also conjuncts Mercury, which is considered to be somewhat ego-driven and willful. This looks like an accident waiting to happen, so use care.
All of this is simply the prelude to the powerful Full Moon in Aquarius, which falls on August 19th and squares Uranus. This moon will be unpredictable in our lives and on the world stage. Keep in mind that while the full moon isn’t until Monday, events connected with it generally happen before the peak of the full moon, so expect a lot of this to be playing out this week.
The week of August 12-18, 2024, these three zodiac signs will overcome life's challenges.
1. Aquarius
KT Paper Designs, Olha ZS and Tais Bernabé | Canva
Monday morning, you may feel as though you are not quite up to par, and you may experience a problem with someone you consider a partner, or this could happen at work. By Tuesday, if you are up late, you could experience something quite unexpected on an emotional level that could deal with home life or work.
On Wednesday, it’s possible that something will be blown out of proportion by early afternoon, leaving you quite frustrated or angry.
If you haven’t felt frustrated enough by Thursday, there is even more potential for a blowup with a friend or love interest that could continue until the next day.
By Friday, you will probably be feeling the effects of the upcoming full moon in your sign, and since it squares Uranus, you can expect the unexpected, especially in terms of home and family or something that could affect what you consider to be foundational in life.
Sunday may well bring unexpected news or something of an unexpected nature relating to someone considered a partner, and someone’s ego could make it even worse. Tread carefully if you have a partner and don’t want to experience a separation.
2. Leo
KT Paper Designs, Olha ZS and Tais Bernabé | Canva
Since you are the opposite sign of Aquarius, many of the same things that occur with that sign will be affecting your chart as well.
On Monday, you may feel "off your center," which could involve something personal to you or your home life.
On Tuesday, the morning can bring an unexpected issue involving work or your home life. If you are up until midnight, expect some type of worry concerning a friend or love interest. If this doesn’t occur on Tuesday, expect something to be blown totally out of proportion by Wednesday, and there could be angry or hurt feelings.
It looks like this could continue into Thursday, and you may find yourself seething, and again, it concerns a friend, love interest, or some type of group you belong to. Also, keep in mind, Leo, you are known for creating drama yourself
Saturday afternoon, it looks like something could get heavy, and by Sunday, there could be unexpected news or communication. Part of the issue could be ego.
My advice is to try to deflect any anger that you can because the Full Moon in Aquarius could bring a break from something or even a breakup if you aren’t careful.
3. Scorpio
KT Paper Designs, Olha ZS and Tais Bernabé | Canva
You are sort of in between Leo and Aquarius, and like them, you are a fixed sign, so some of these powerful energies will hit you as well. This week, you may face issues involving secrecy or money. Be careful not to let things blow out of proportion. By the weekend, you could receive unexpected news or something unexpected will happen that will involve someone’s ego.
We are in the powerful and unpredictable Full Moon energy, which will concern our home lives, family members or anything you consider foundational. Try to tone things down as much as possible and let this Full Moon pass.
In all likelihood, there will be an issue with someone you consider a partner, either romantically or work-wise. There is a very strong possibility that a relationship could end at this time, especially if there are problems and it is floundering. If your relationships are going well, there will still be an issue, but you should be able to resolve it with some effort.
Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide.