5 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have The Sweetest Weekly Horoscopes Beginning June 17

A week of joy and gold.

5 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have The Sweetest Weekly Horoscopes Beginning June 17 Lay Low from Pexels, Torri Photo from Getty Images | Canva Pro

Joy will find you when you choose to find joy. That's the quirky message of this week, between June 17 - 23. While five zodiac signs — Aries, Leo, Pisces, Virgo, and Taurus will have the best weekly horoscopes under its influence, the rest are urged to choose the path of joy, too.

We begin the week on a powerful note with two planets changing signs. Venus and Mercury will enter Cancer on June 17. That's a double whammy of Cancer energy! So don't be surprised if you are slower than usual at the beginning of the week. Whether you are a workaholic or not, you will find the cosmic currents slowing you down so you can ponder and introspect more. Beautiful insights and inner peace await those who can float with this current and not resist it.


Then, on June 19, Vesta will leave Cancer and enter Leo. As an asteroid of devotion and the fire within one's soul, Leo is an excellent placement for it. So, the collective will feel more fiesty under this influence and will be unwilling to compromise on what's important within their soul. Excitement will flair, and creativity will shine, too.

The end of the week has two more astrology transits in store for us. Cancer Season starts on June 20, followed by the Full Moon in Capricorn on June 21. So, if you haven't yet prepared for a full moon ritual, now's a good time to start. 

This is a time for letting go so you can have room to manifest. Cancer Season is a moony season, so lunar energy will be especially strong all week for manifestation magic. Now, let's focus on the five zodiac signs with the best weekly horoscopes.


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The five zodiac signs with the sweetest weekly horoscopes June 17 - 23

1. Aries

Best zodiac sign to work with: Other Aries

Best area to focus on: Whimsy

Aries, this week's energy is forthright and direct. As long as you are determined about your chosen path, no one can stop you from reaching your goals or milestones. The first half of the week will be especially potent in this sense, although you are encouraged to keep your secrets close to your chest and not celebrate until the finish line is behind you.


The second half of the week calls on you to be stubborn about your personal boundaries. Engage with who you want to engage with or be alone if you want to spend time on self-care. Whimsy is also highlighted here as a source of joy for many of you.

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2. Leo

Best zodiac sign to work with: Other Leos

Best area to focus on: Dancing

Leo, every time you step out of the door this week, walk with your shoulders pushed back and your head high. The more king/queen-ly you come across, the easier it will be for you to embrace your cosmic blessings. The first half of the week urges you to take no prisoners where your dreams are concerned. Shine bright like a diamond!


For the second half of the week, relax and take it easy. The universe's push-and-pull dynamic is highlighted here for you. The only way this can be described is that after a period of “go, go, go,” it's time to “stop, stop, stop” and smell the roses.

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3. Pisces

Best zodiac sign to work with: Leo

Best area to focus on: Heart work

Pisces, beautiful days and beautiful dreams are in store for you this week. Those of you with intuitive, solid gifts or psychic abilities will also experience a heightening of your sensitivity in these areas. So, channel this power into what's most important to you. You will breeze through your goals if you do.


The second half of the week urges you to go easy and relax. Focus on self-care and sleep. The more you allow your soul to rest and heal, the easier it will be for you to maintain your powerful pace at this time.

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4. Virgo

Best zodiac sign to work with: Leo

Best area to focus on: Solitude

When life gives you lemons, Virgo makes lemonade and sells it at a roadside stall on a hot sunny day. That's your metaphorical message for this week. Try to be mindful of your actions and decisions in the first half of this week so you can do just this. Apply this message in the area of greatest need for you.


The second half of the week will be more progressive and powerful if you can lean into the abovementioned mindset. No one will be able to stand in your way. Not even the bullies or naysayers. Karma has got your back!

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5. Taurus

Best zodiac sign to work with: Leo & Virgo


Best area to focus on: Linguistics

Taurus, prepare to have your mind blown (in a good way) this week. The first half will call on your playful and creative side. If you give it control, you will be surprised by the ideas that emerge from within you and the strength of your imagination. Some of you may even have powerful dreams with hidden imagery and symbols to push you to the next level of life. Maintain a dream journal to capture these nuggets of wisdom!

The second half of the week is up in the air right now. You will be fine if you choose the right path for you and don't get distracted by peer pressure.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.