2 Zodiac Signs Experience Abundance & Receive Gifts From The Universe Starting May 9, 2024

Heal so you can receive the abundance that is destined for you.

zodiac signs experience abundance may 9 2024 Cherrie Umbalin from Cherrie Creates PH, vladeep, manifeesto from Getty Images | Canva Pro

On Thursday, May 9, Chiron, and Mercury unite in Aries helping each of the zodiac signs heal what is holding you back from your most abundant life. Chiron connects with Mercury offering a space for healing conversations that can help you finally receive the abundance your life is destined for. 

Take time to journal, connect with a counselor, or reach out to those people that you feel discord with. Allow yourself to speak what is on your heart, and honor your inner worthiness so that you don’t just heal what has held you back, you create the space to receive the abundance you so desire. You don’t want to spend your life second-guessing the moments of life you have been wishing for.


Two zodiac signs will benefit most from this stunning abundance energy the cosmos has in store for us on Thursday. Take advantage, opportunities like this are few and far between.

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The two zodiac signs who will experience abundance on Thursday, May 9, 2024:

1. Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

cancer zodiac sign abundance may 9 2024 Cherrie Umbalin from Cherrie Creates PH, manifeesto from Getty Images | Canva Pro

Abundance Affirmation for Cancer: I am healing what has prevented me from achieving success in my career.

Aries energy governs your career sector, so with the recent flurry of activity in this fire sign and the Solar Eclipse in April, it’s also an area that you have been focusing on with greater intent. While the Eclipse brought a new beginning in your professional life, with Mercury retrograde for most of April, progress felt stagnant or even confusing. With this energy now behind you, it’s time to realize that you really can have it all.


Thursday, May 9 brings the ability to heal what has prevented you from achieving the recognition and success you deserve in your career. Reflect on the beliefs that you’ve had about your achievements, versus those that are part of your relationships. You must be honest about what has been preventing you from knowing your worth. You don’t have to choose between success in your personal or professional life, you are destined for both.

The energy of Mercury and Chiron helps you open up conversations with your significant other (or those close to you) about the dream you have for your career. You may find that any resentment you thought existed was a product of your own wounds. Allow yourself to heal so that you can revel in the success of knowing you are making each one of your dreams come true.

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2. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

sagittarius zodiac sign abundance may 9 2024 Cherrie Umbalin from Cherrie Creates PH, vladeep | Canva Pro


Abundance Affirmation: I am open to the love and the commitment that is destined for me.

Although you are a zodiac sign that needs to have a secure and grounded personal life to experience the freedom you crave, there often can be fears involving romantic commitment and how that will affect your dreams. To be able to manifest a life filled with love, lean into your fears so that you can heal and realize that the right relationship won’t make you give anything up. Instead, it will only add greater value to your life.

On Thursday, May 9, Chiron, and Mercury align together in Aries in your sector of romantic commitment allowing you to take stock of your feelings and fears to ensure that they aren’t working against what it is you want to create. This may provide the space to reflect on the beliefs of commitment and marriage that you’ve been conditioned to have, including the relationships of your parents, and what you’ve been taught about relationships. Besides your own experiences early in life, you also often put a great weight on who you choose to enter into a romantic partnership with, which can often add to confusion or uncertainty. Someone doesn’t need to be perfect to commit to a life together, they only need to offer something you know you won’t find with anyone else.

Take time to reflect on some of what you’ve learned about relationships from your past and be honest with yourself about the fears or feelings you may have that are preventing you from enjoying a deep sense of intimacy and commitment with your partner. If you’re in an existing relationship, Chiron and Mercury in Aries will provide the perfect opportunity to have a transparent healing conversation. If you’re single, this is your opportunity to change the way you think about a forever love so that you can have the space to receive the connection you’ve always desired.


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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.