2 Zodiac Signs Overcome Hardship & Receive Transformative Abundance On April 22

Embrace transformation as it is the door to abundance.

zodiac signs experience abundance on april 22 fernandogarciaesteban, Boorinnie from Mewnida Art Work | Canva Pro

“Transformation is not automatic. It must be learned; it must be led.” – W. Edwards Demming. Everything that occurs urges you to leave your comfort zone and be empowered to live more authentically. To manifest abundance in your life, you also must be able to transform the wounds or limitations that have kept you accepting less than you deserve — or chasing what doesn’t bring fulfillment. The deepest transformation you can go through will always be the one within yourself.


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On Monday, April 22, the Sun in Taurus will align with Pluto in Aquarius, creating a lightning bolt moment of opportunity for you to transform what has been holding you back from your full potential. Your potential doesn’t only speak to your professional or academic success but to the life that you are destined to live.


This means that the jobs or relationships you have been in that aren’t aligned with your soul purpose need to be transformed so that you are in the place to attract what is meant for you. This process of deep alchemy begins within yourself as you become more aware, heal, and face your shadow side so that you can truly step into the divine light of abundance.

2 zodiac signs overcome hardships and experience abundance on April 22

1. Gemini

Abundance Affirmation: I am moving beyond any limit that prevents me from living an abundant life.

You are capable and worthy of beautiful things, but you must stop selling yourself short. Instead of thinking about how much energy you’ve invested into what’s not meant for you, realize that everything would feel easier if you were putting that into what is. Every day and within every moment, you have a choice to keep doing what your day asks of you, to fulfill obligations, or to set your soul free and trust that whatever occurs once you honor your inner truth will be worth it.


On Monday, the Sun in Taurus aligns with Pluto in Aquarius, creating a powerful dynamic between your dreams and the new horizons that you explore in your life. Aquarius rules your house of luck, and as Pluto seeks to transform, you can better tap into your intuitive side and take action on your dreams. First, though, you may have to face why you haven’t always believed in yourself or accepted less. With this energy, it seems that awareness may strike quickly, allowing you to make the changes your soul is seeking drastically.

Use this energy to move past any limitations or restrictions that feel as if they have blocked you from taking new opportunities, traveling, returning to school, or just feeling more abundant in your life. You have the power within to live your dreams, but to do that, create time to explore your mindset and internal thought process so that when inspiration strikes, you can listen. This will prove to be the key to unlocking your most abundant life.

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2. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19)


Abundance Affirmation: I am building a life of abundance as I honor what is most important to me.

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Success can become like a drug unto itself, as once you achieve a certain level, there is always more to attain. Yet, it can also depend on how you define success and if you allow yourself to appreciate and revel in all you have already created. Try to view success from a different lens, including not just your profession or finances but also the relationships you have and the happiness they bring to your life.


On Monday, there is a beautiful opportunity for the Sun in Taurus and Pluto in Aquarius to extend to your life as you are encouraged to see the emotional security and happiness that you have in your life. An incredible relationship or wonderful home and family don’t just happen. Instead, they are created and invested within, just like your professional dealings. Success isn’t only something you have created in your career but also within your personal life. If you have yet to receive it, you must make time to enjoy it. By using this energy, you can not only start to view your life differently but also begin to transform your relationships so that they feel more valued.

Open your heart to receive a life of full abundance, not just in your career but in every other facet, because many times in chasing continuing success, it’s because you’re not necessarily aware of how much you already possess. Try to find a better balance between work and personal affairs and make time to spend with people that you love and value. Whether it’s friends, family, or a romantic relationship, by investing in this area of your life, you stand to gain greater luck and abundance than you may realize. When you can feel emotionally abundant, you can attract even more of the life you desire to live.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator. For more of her work, visit her website.