2 Zodiac Signs Experience Long-Term Abundance Starting April 19

Invest in building a stable foundation for future abundance.

zodiac signs who experience abundance april 19 Rgbryand Design, Holcy from Getty Images | Canva Pro

Eckhart Tolle said, “Acknowledging what you already have is the foundation for all abundance," which is a main theme for the two zodiac signs who experience long-term abundance at the start of Taurus season.

Approach abundance not as a momentary win but as the foundation on which you can build your entire life. While it begins within your mindset of deservingness and perseverance, it also comes down to acknowledging what you have in your life that can help you truly have the financial and romantic abundance you desire. You possess unique talents and gifts, and within your life are important resources through powerful connections — and even opportunities that help you experience and achieve long-term abundance in your life.


On Friday, April 19, the Sun moves into Taurus, beginning a brand-new zodiac season and helping you to take action on your long-term dreams.

Taurus is one of the ruling signs of Venus, the planet of financial and romantic abundance. This means that during this celestial period of the Sun in Taurus, you can also see greater achievements in these themes.


Taurus craves comfort, luxury, and the fulfillment of all its material needs, and this sign does so by looking at the bigger picture. This isn’t about a quick fix or even a winning lottery ticket, but reflecting on how you can use what you have to manifest even more. Open your awareness to see that you’re not just deserving of abundance within this moment, but throughout each one of your magnificent lives.

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2 zodiac signs who experience long-term abundance starting on April 19, 2024:

1. Aries 

Aries abundance affirmation: I radiate an energy of abundance and attract all I need.


While your very intense and dynamic zodiac season is now behind you, the Taurus Season brings in the opportunity to gain greater financial wealth by changing your vibration. As you continue to move with the changes that life brings this year, as the North Node will remain in Aries, it’s important to be aware of and realize what energy you put into the universe.

On Friday, the Sun in Taurus will help shine a bright light on your self-worth, helping you realize all you deserve in life. While this will encourage you to move in new ways to generate more income, it’s also about helping you see that you are worthy of receiving all you desire. This energy echoes much of what the North Node in Aries will be helping you manifest in the year ahead, but it begins with you realizing that professional success, financial wealth, and even an incredible romantic relationship are all possible because when you do, you’ll start seeing more opportunities surround you.



Use this energy to reflect on what you’ve sent into the universe. If life has felt challenging lately, consider using sage to smudge your energy or doing a ritual for financial wealth. Spend time validating your ability to create whatever you want and reflecting on how you can change your vibration to one of abundance and higher worthiness. This will allow you to take much of what is occurring in your life and see only the amazing possibilities for growth and expansion that exist.


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2. Virgo

Virgo abundance affirmation: I am creating a long-term plan for abundance.

You excel at making plans as you tend to be extremely focused on what you want to create and have no problem breaking it down into smaller steps. While the lesson of retaining your openness to the plan manifesting a bit differently than you had planned is often something that arises, it still confirms that you have no difficulty reaching the achievements you desire. But now, you are being guided by the universe to make a long-term plan for the abundance that you want to create — not just for a week or month, but for the rest of your life.


We experience the beginning of Taurus Season, which brings the Sun, the planet of action, to your house of abundance. The earth energy of Taurus helps you focus more on what you want to curate and achieve in your life in the long term while exploring the ideas of travel, education, spirituality and even romance. Taurus Season helps you focus on what you need to do to enjoy your life more by realizing what feels good for you and what resonates with your soul. During this time, you will be guided to focus more on your long-term plans and truly want to live a better life.

During Taurus Season, spending time preparing a plan for what an abundant life means to you is important. This will allow you to manifest greater abundance through finding more balance, investing in a business, your education, or even experiencing more of the world – even with a romantic partner. Let this energy open your eyes and heart to all that is possible. While the plans you make will inevitably look a bit different once they’ve manifested, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make them, after all the plan you make will set the direction for your dreams.

RELATED: 5 Zodiac Signs Whose Horoscopes Improve On April 19 When The Sun Enters Taurus


Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator. For more of her work, visit her website.