2 Zodiac Signs Experience Karmic Abundance On April 6, 2024

Break free from negative karmic cycles so you can live more abundantly.

2 Zodiac Signs Experience Karmic Abundance On April 6, 2024 vladimirbelobaba, puhhha from Getty Images | Canva Pro

Two zodiac signs experience abundance on April 6, 2024 ,and it's due to important decisions they have made. Karma represents the cause and effect of the choices you make and how you live your life. However, it also speaks to the generational wounding and conditioning that you may unknowingly have adopted into your life.

In this case, negative karma isn’t a consequence of any decisions but instead the result of wounds such as lack, fear, abandonment, or worthiness. But when you can see how you’ve attracted the situations you are living with, then you also hold the power to change things for the better.


On Saturday, April 6, Venus in Aries will align with Pluto in Aquarius, helping you to see where you can make different choices or heal so that you genuinely break free from the karmic cycles that have blocked a life of abundance.

In this case, whether it’s how you think of money, the wounds you bring into a relationship, or your ability to take new risks, you will not only be able to recognize the root of these events but also choose to start doing things differently.


In just a few days, on April 8, the monumental Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries will be the catalyst moment for a brand-new chapter in your life, which means now is the time to shed, release, and break free from anything that has been preventing you from living your best life.

Dare to heal, to see what has been lingering under the surface of your decisions, and to decide exactly what kind of life you want to live because you are entering a potent phase in which everything you’ve always dreamed of is within reach.

On April 6, these two zodiac signs will experience karmic abundance:

1. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20)

Abundance Affirmation: I am seizing new connections with others to help me create my most expansive life.


You’ve been considering some big moves in your life recently as you’ve been called to reflect on your career and professional life. You want to do something more important than just simply collect a paycheck, even if it’s a sizable one.

There is a deep desire to feel like you are fulfilling your purpose thanks to Saturn in Pisces in your house of career — but with the North Node, Sun, and Venus, all in Aries, you’ve begun looking at your ideas differently.

While you may not fully understand all the pieces just yet, the alignment between Venus in Aries and Pluto in Aquarius helps you understand how previous ways of networking, connecting, or working with others may not have actually been in your favor. Aquarius energy governs over your house of luck, abundance, and expansion, which means with Pluto here, you’ll see what has been preventing you from living a life rich in these themes.


Pay attention to how you communicate and interact with others around this time. Whether it’s letting others take the lead or feeling like you have to do everything on your own, a change is in order.

You have a gift for selling your dreams so convincingly to others that they can’t help but want to be involved, which means the support, connections, or financial backing you need is within reach.

Try to change how you approach collaboration, especially in terms of a business or new life plan, because there is divine help available to you through the connections in your life.

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2. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19)

Abundance Affirmation: I have an abundant and joyous life.

There has been lighter energy surrounding you since the start of 2024, but it is ultimately up to you to learn how to work with the opportunities to create a new and fresh chapter of abundance in your life. While the balance between your professional and personal life is always something that is of consideration for you. 


There has been a new focus on realizing that to choose success and abundance in one area doesn’t have to mean lack or sacrifice in another. Adopting the mindset that you can be successful and fulfilled in every area of your life is precisely what leads to you being able to experience just that.

On Saturday, April 6, Pluto in Aquarius will activate your house of finances and value as it aligns with Venus in your home, family, and healing sector. Although Venus is known for governing matters of the heart, it also rules wealth and abundance, helping you to understand what beliefs you’ve been operating through have led to the situations and challenges you’ve experienced in life.

But with that knowledge also comes the ability to change how you think about things, to invest more resources in what is of the greatest value to you, and to honor that you are worth a fully abundant and joyful life.


Pluto is the revealer and transformer, the one that governs everything below the surface. In Aquarius, it’s going to reveal and help you see how your beliefs about yourself, money, and having a life of abundance have dictated what choices you’ve made.

There may be some strong realizations here that you are in the midst of healing generational karma, either from your childhood or those wounds inherited down through your family line.

Understanding where this energy is coming from, you can realize that you can have the abundant, safe, joyful home and family life you’ve always craved — without sacrificing any other success. You are worth both financial and emotional abundance, and by realizing that, you can start to design the life of your dreams.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator. For more of her work, visit her website.