3 Zodiac Signs May Fall Out Of Love & End Relationships Before The End Of March 2024

We are making the healthiest choice at this time.

3 Zodiac Signs Fall Out Of Love & End Their Relationships Before The End Of March 2024 mauliagusti, Georgijevic from Getty Images Signature, Alberlan Barros from Pexels | Canva Pro

What may not feel as though it's the most comfortable situation we can think of, the idea of literally breaking up with our partners may just become a reality this week for three different zodiac signs. While it may not be what makes us ultimately 'happy,' we will get to see that some things have to be and that breaking up may just be one of those 'must-do' things.

During the Moon opposite Mercury midweek, we will absolutely snap to our senses and know that we have to make this move. What's gone on in this relationship has turned sour. While we still respect ourselves and our partners, we will come to an agreement that lets both parties know that it's time to move on. And that's OK. That's the healthy choice here, and we know it.


We may have wanted to stay in love, but we also know that during transits such as the Sagittarius Moon on March 29, we cannot lie to ourselves. Honesty is the best policy during this end of the week. There are too many honesty-based transits taking place to let us kid ourselves another day. This is the week we make the move to end our relationship. While it may take nerve and courage, we all know it's the right thing to do. Good luck to all.


Three zodiac signs fall out of love and end their relationships before the end of March:

1. Aries

Well, you've certainly had the time to think this through. If your final decision is to end the relationship you're in, then you more than likely know what you're doing. You are capable of impulsive behavior, but not this time. This has been brewing in your mind for a few weeks now, and the only thing that makes sense this week is for you to break up with your partner.

You didn't want it to go down this way, and you aren't proud of it, either, but you also can't see yourself continuing with this person as it's finally come to that place. What you do know, however, is that you're not going to sit by and watch it fall apart, as you know that if the two of you don't tackle this like adults, it will become a mess.

You know what needs to be done, and while it's not joyful, it's necessary. You've got this ton of Aries energy backing you up, so success is part of the deal. What you know is that before you lie, the unknown.

While that can be a scary place, your natural optimism tells you that it's worth heading towards. You won't be alone. You'll simply be on the next life path, that's all. You can do this, Aries.


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2. Leo 

What you didn't think you'd allow to happen is now something you wish would happen faster. Your relationship can take no more, and you'd rather see it end than continue as a sham. At one point, you were so proud of this romance, and it meant so much to you to be with the person you have spent so much time with. As it goes with human beings, we fade in interest, and sometimes, this just can't be helped.

Rather than watch it go sour, you both have agreed on the idea of taking it slowly but taking it in the direction of ending it. This is a mutual decision, so nobody's feeling guilty, but you both know in your hearts that even though you really did try. this thing isn't going to work, and you don't want to end up resenting each other. You really, really don't want that.

This week, March 25 - 31, 2024, brings you the strength of resolve as you feel good about ending the relationship. You may feel apprehensive about the future, but one thing is for sure: you don't want to feel trapped in a relationship that guarantees you won't have that well-imagined future.


It's time to trust that the universe works in mysterious ways and that much of that mystery is built on positive energy.

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3. Sagittarius 

There's a method to your madness this week, Sagittarius. Part of what brings about your healing is the knowledge that in order to get there, you need to confront the things in your life that prevent you from your victorious destiny. One of those things becomes very obvious and apparent to you, and that is to end your relationship. You didn't anticipate this mental and emotional growth spurt. Now that it's here and it's true, you feel you owe yourself an honest look at what's happening in your love life.

If you are all that honest with yourself about it, you'll discover that what you're involved with right now is far from where you see yourself going. In other words, you're working on an old love program, and it no longer works with your advanced lifestyle changes.


This is where it all changes up for you, and your partner is not unaware of your changes as they have been anticipating your next move, which, in a way, helps things along. They know that they aren't enough for you, and while it's not so much that you need 'more,' it's that you need 'other' or 'different.'

You met so long ago, and you've both changed in ways neither of you could have predicted. It's now time to split up and find new paths. Know this: it's all good. It's all OK.

RELATED: What Each Zodiac Sign Is Practical About


Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.