What Each Zodiac Sign Can Easily Manifest This Week As The Sun Enters Aries
The Sun enters Aries on March 19.

"Writing eases my suffering . . . writing is my way of reaffirming my existence." — Gao Xingjian. Hey there, Soul attractors; reflect on this quote as we use our powers of self-expression to script a better tomorrow for ourselves.
We are exploring the 7 laws of attraction, and for this week, we look at The Law of Right Action.
This law says that what you do, think, and say energetically affects your world and quality of life. Treat others as you would want to be treated and attract a world of positivity. As with many of the laws, this one is controversial.
Because we do NOT have full control of our situations, but as we know, we can control our attitude toward it and, most importantly, the… next… step. The next step is ALWAYS in your hands, and the most important thing to keep in mind is
If you can train your mind and heart to see and feel what you want, it prepares your body for action. Athletes often "see" themselves experiencing a home run, touch down, or a hole-in-one to get their mind and body on the same wavelength.
Prepare yourself for victory and focus on the next step. Which is our weekly journal prompt for the week. Short and sweet and straight to the point. What is the VERY next step for your main goal of the year? Is it visualization, a to-do list, or a phone call? The choice is yours.
Many things are happening in the cosmos this week, as well as on Earth. Lots of transitions and a change of season can also mirror our inner world and the internal shifts we may be experiencing.
The Sun enters Aries on March 19.
19 gives us the Vernal Equinox, Sun in Aries, and Moon in Leo. A busy day indeed. The Leo Moon gives us a much-needed boost and confidence in our abilities. We feel able to contribute and act out the responsibilities our respective life roles require of us.
Aries celebrate the beginning of their birthdays, and even more sunlight and longer days give us a bit more time to work on the things most important to us. Moon in Virgo on 22 has us looking over the details (good for tax time if we haven't already completed it), and we want to sort everything out in our lives. Lastly, the Libra Moon gives us a hopeful sort of feeling, ending the week looking for romance in relationships as well as the worthy endeavor of romanticizing our lives.
What each zodiac sign can easily manifest this week as the Sun enters Aries:
Aries Manifest: Inspiration
Happy birthday, Aries. An eventful month awaits you. Make sure to keep your head straight and get your priorities done first so that you can enjoy the rest of your birthday month. You still have a lot of processing to do from the events that happened earlier this month, but feel confident that your birthday month will grant you a fresh new perspective on old problems.
Journal Prompt:
Use a page of your bullet journal to write different quotes for different occasions. The first quote should be one that instantly makes you happy when you read it. It could be something you have seen, a famous quote, or even a meme.
Taurus Manifest: Greatness
With the Sun in your privacy sector for most of the month, you can decide what's important to you and the projects that are no longer important to you. This is a great process to do now, as we have another month before your birthday month.
Journal Prompt:
Prepare for victory. Detail what conditions produce the best version of yourself. Is it when you are dressed a certain way, when you meditate, or maybe when you're being silly and carefree?
Gemini Manifest: Courage
Good news, Gemini. As the Sun moves into your networking sector for the week, you're finding a better way to talk to others, relate to others, and improve your communication skills. Those would be great goals to center this week. You also have an interest in newer projects or even home design. Some of these things may make you a bit nervous, but there's no need to fear.
Journal Prompt:
Use your journal to write out a definition for the word courage. There is no need for a dictionary. How do you personally define courage? In your own words.
Cancer Manifest: Happiness
You are feeling on top of your goals this week and achieving a lot more than usual. The transits of the week are improving your communication and general reputation among coworkers. Remember to keep your happiness at the forefront, as doing work while enjoying it makes it go by faster and not feel like work at all.
Journal Prompt:
Is pleasure the same as genuine joy? Why or why not? Also, what are the benefits of both?
Leo Manifest: Adventure
This is a big new month for you, Leo. After you've done some physical or emotional healing, it's time to do what you do best: explore.
Journal Prompt:
Feeling stagnant in your life means you need to shift your source of energy. What would you say is the bravest thing you have done? What are some ways you can add even the smallest bits of exploration or adventure to your life?
Virgo Manifest: Patience
Things are a bit messy right now for you, Virgo, especially in a certain relationship. Since you're so organized, it's important to separate your relationship problems from your work and personal goals. Keep your eyes on the prize, and things will work out in your favor.
Journal Prompt:
You have a year-end goal that is really scary. This is good; that means it is worthwhile. Ask yourself, if possible, what 25 small steps you can take to lead you there. Even if you only did 1 of these steps weekly, you could reach the goal well before the end of the year. It would even still allow you to focus on something else or the next goal.
Libra Manifest: Confidence
Libra, the opportunity to work on yourself, your rituals, your health, career challenges, and personal projects has opened itself up to you for the week, and it can be a bit overwhelming as you want to tackle everything at the same time while you have the chance.
Journal Prompt:
Take a look at the different projects pulling your attention right now. Which do you think you deserve the most of your time currently, and what projects will be the most meaningful long-term? Are there any limiting beliefs that are stopping you from focusing right now?
Scorpio Manifest: Forgiveness
Scorpio, you are on a kick when it comes to work and working on yourself, your body, and your daily rituals. You're excited to start working on yourself as spring starts because you anticipate an enjoyable and prosperous summer.
Journal Prompt:
Take a moment to reflect on a contentious relationship you have with someone. Think about what forgiving this person will do for you spiritually, even if you decide not to let them back into your life. Do you suspect more pain will come your way, or maybe relief?
Sagittarius Manifest: Vulnerability
Because many things have been happening simultaneously, Sagittarius, you are now fixated on cleaning and getting your house together, as well as other foundational elements in your home. These are all good things, but you're avoiding something paramount right now.
Journal Prompt:
Consider your current relationships. How have you been avoiding engaging in emotional intimacy or vulnerability with others? What do you think opening yourself up to others will lead to, and why?
Capricorn Manifest: Focus
There may or may not be a snake in your midst. Double-check any information that people give you, especially coworkers. Also, take time to ask friends and family for their opinions on certain decisions you may want to make. You are almost there when it comes to finishing up a few different projects, so putting together better rituals to ensure everything is in place would work best for you right now.
Journal Prompt:
Are there any new habits you've discovered that would support your spring goals? Can you find any opportunities to put something off so you can hyper-focus on these habits? Alternatively, how can you integrate these habits into rituals you already regularly perform?
Aquarius Manifest: Clarity
You're in a great place in your life right now, Aquarius, and well, you know it. If you have trouble defining exactly what is going well for you, take some time to write it down. You are confident and ready for everything coming your way, and you have all the tools needed inside you to execute the tasks that you want to do.
Journal Prompt:
How would you define your current season of life? Is this a season of prioritizing work over family? Hobbies over friends? Perhaps it's a season of discovering or just surviving? Let the season influence your priorities.
Pisces Manifest: Priorities
Pisces, make sure to take care of yourself as you balance making many different financial decisions. You have to ask around and get several different opinions, as there are other personal things that you need to tend to. Getting help is okay.
Journal Prompt:
As you enter a new phase of life, how have your priorities changed? What habits, things, or people do you want to leave behind?
Venita Johnson is the Editor for Horoscopes & Zodiacs, based in New York City. She focuses on journal writing, astrology, tarot, and reading oracle cards.