3 Zodiac Signs Receive Great News On March 8, 2024

A good day is in store for us, for sure.

3 Zodiac Signs Receive Great News On March 8, 2024 g-stockstudio from Getty Images | Canva Pro

With Pisces Moon conjunct Venus, someone's bound to receive some great news on March 8, 2024, as this transit provides clarity, speed, and direction — which works rather well when trying to get to the point so one can tell someone else something wonderful.



We're not bothering with the hemming and hawing that comes with trying to lengthen the delivery time of the good news we're about to give. For the three zodiac signs that will be on the receiving end of this info, a good day is in store for us.


There's a little hint in there as well. If you look deeply into the transit of the Pisces Moon's conjunct Venus, you'll see that the great news we're about to get has something to do with love. We are fortunate to be in the grouping of zodiac signs that are not only receivers but also open to receiving. That's very much the key to being able to 'handle' the good news that's coming our way.

So, this day, during the Pisces Moon conjunct Venus, is all about anticipating something great, expecting the highest, and being happily surprised at how the news of something good and loving affects us. It's nice to hear 'the good news' for a change, wouldn't you agree? Who's up for a happy surprise?


Three zodiac signs will receive great news on March 8, 2024:

1. Virgo 

(August 23 - September 22)

When you have something on your mind, you want to confirm it as soon as possible. What you'll find happening on March 8 is that all roads lead to good news where you are concerned, Virgo.

You have been waiting for the results for weeks. The good news you'll receive on this day, during the transit of Pisces Moon conjunct Venus, is exactly what you wanted to hear, if not better.

This shows you that, in the future, you can take it easy and relax, knowing that if you are waiting on something, it always does 'eventually' get to you and that you aren't some kind of magnet for bad news, as you've told yourself you were in the past.


This great news of the day puts you in your place, as it shows you that good things happen to you, too, Virgo. Oh yes, they do.

You may even find yourself laughing during this day as it's quite easy to get into the release of nervous energy. With Pisces Moon conjunct Venus in the sky, releasing that kind of jittery energy only adds to the fun of it all.

Good news reached you on this day. It shows you that life is good after all. This day sets aside any fears you might have had, and that's a tremendously positive 'side effect.'

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2. Aquarius 

(January 20 - February 18)

You are someone who really likes to plan, and in doing so, you get yourself involved in so many things that you tend to get swamped. To find some kind of organization, you reach out to others for help. When you don't hear from one particular person, you find that you get worried. Perhaps you are a little too worried, and that worry consumes your day, or however long you find yourself out of touch with that person.


You can rest aside those worries, Aquarius, as you will receive word on this day, during the transit of Pisces Moon conjunct Venus, that the person you couldn't reach was not only away for good reasons. They are now back and very much ready to show you what's going on and why they weren't in touch. For the sake of love, they had to take care of a few things, and when you find out what they've been up to, you will feel extremely relieved. 

During Pisces Moon conjunct Venus, it's quite easy to find one's self on the receiving end of great news. What you'll come to know on this day is that this person whom you could not reach did whatever they did for your sake. Whatever it is that they've done is what you'll find out on this day. Trust in the universe, Aquarius. They did it all for you, and upon hearing the news, you'll be overjoyed.

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3. Pisces 

(February 19 - March 20)


When great news hits you, you'll find that you are so bowled over by the results that you may end up laughing out loud — and many times. You have your very specific desires, and you know that you're a unique individual. If the good news is to reach you, as it will during the Pisces Moon's conjunct Venus, then that news has to be just as specific as you are, and it is.

On this day, you will discover that something has been made available to you. It is rare, specific, and totally up your alley. Call it an opportunity or the beginning of a new adventure. All you know is that you're excited at the prospect and that it raises within you the consciousness of love. You feel blessed and thrilled that such good news has come your way. During the Pisces Moon's conjunct Venus, you are open to it all.

The beautiful part about this day is that not only will you receive great news, but you'll also have someone to share the thrill of it all with. So, you and your friend or partner will be able to delight in this good news together, and that makes it all twice as nice. By day's end, you'll be steeped in gratitude and humility, appreciative of the universe for bringing you such great news. Nice going, Pisces. Enjoy it all.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.