3 Zodiac Signs Overcome Negativity On January 1, 2024
It's all about how we perceive this day, as the reality of the matter is ... it's just another day.

How dare we even think of having a rough horoscope on the very first day of the year? Well, the truth is that on January 1, 2024, everything is perception, so what might look like a fabulous day to one person may take on tones of negativity to another. It's all about how we perceive this day, as the reality of the matter is...that it's just another day.
We have a very interesting transit going for us on this day, and because it's so 'interesting,' we could definitely go either way when it comes to perceiving its inner meaning. On this day, January 1, 2024, Mercury goes direct, and that means that it's no longer in the ill-fated station of retrograde; potentially, this is the beginning of something good.
Alas, we haven't all woken up with a peppy attitude, as we're still acting as if Mercury is still dragging us down. The thing is...we're the ones who haven't caught up yet. And for three zodiac signs, this day might feel like a drag. Not to worry, though, we'll get there. It's a guarantee. With Mercury direct, as of January 1, 2024, we'll start to see things get back to working order, very shortly. Thank you, cosmos!
Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on January 1, 2024:
1. Taurus
(April 20 - May 20)
No need to fret, Taurus, simply because your zodiac sign is among the chosen ones for the 'rough' horoscope of the day. What's really going on is that on this day, January 1, 2024, you're a little lazier than usual, and the thing is, you feel you have the right to be this way. You've got an entire year ahead of you to get it all together, and you don't feel the need to rush yourself along on this day. You'll get there...and you'll keep telling everyone around you the same thing. "I'll get there. Leave me alone, please."
With Mercury direct, you may feel even more justified in wanting to take it down a notch simply because you feel the energy shift in the universe and in a way, it lets you know that one more day of blobbing around isn't going to kill anyone. You are prepared to listen to your heart on this day, and with Mercury direct on your back, you know it's not going to last; you'll get there, as you've said so many times earlier.
The only thing that might make this day feel a bit rough is that you feel a bit rough around the edges, as you're still not used to the idea that there's an entire year ahead of you, and now you've got to get up and do it all. All that you planned now holds that sign in front of your face that says, 'No excuses.' You know what lies ahead, and while it's daunting...you'll get around to it. No problem. You'll get there.
2. Virgo
(August 23 - September 22)
With all your heart and mind and bodily strength, you want so very much for this first day of the year to shine through like a silver lining on a cloudy day, and for some reason, you simply can't talk yourself into being that much of a cheerleader on this day, January 1, 2024. You want to be all 'rah-rah, let's go, team,' but you feel more like, 'Hey, hey, let's just sleep a few more hours, mkay?' It's alright. You've got Mercury direct to remind you that tomorrow...it's ON.
The only thing that might get you down on this day is that you may start comparing your life to the imaginary lives of others, meaning, in your head, you think the entire world is in a get-up-and-go frame of mind, while there you are, over in slug-city, taking it a little too easy. But then again, you're you, and you're the one who gets to boss you around...or lay back, and well, January 1, 2024, has you opting for the laid-back version.
With Mercury going direct on this day, you will feel as though you are not under pressure anymore, and this could be very helpful. The retrograde was making everything seem harder than it really was, and now that you're on the other side of it, you feel more easygoing and well-rested. But still, you'll be the one who sounds the whistle when it's time for you to toss yourself into action, and that certainly won't be on this day, Virgo.
3. Aquarius
(January 20 - February 18)
The last thing you have in mind for this day, January 1, 2023, is to follow some kind of burst of positive energy all the way through to the finish line. You're just not in the mood, and that doesn't bother you as much as it seems to get on everyone else's nerves. Why the heck do these people even care if you're the New Year's Boss or not? You just want to hang back, and with Mercury direct, you'll feel fine about doing whatever you want. However, you want it.
Mercury affects different people, different ways and not everyone jumps on board this speeding train at the same stop. Yours will come in a few days, and then it will be you who decides to move yourself into a more active state, but you feel no obligation to follow anyone else's rules but your own. In fact, you've always been this way. So, let them eat cake or whatever they need to do; it's their life, and you're not their boss...and that works both ways, right?
It's not as if you aren't aware that there's this entire new year ahead of you. Yes, you have plans but must you really get them all done on the very first day of the year? Oh please, no way, just...go away. You find people 'weird' on this day, and while you'd love to spend time with a friend, if it ends up with you just sitting there in front of your computer, keeping up with social media, then so be it. Your life, right?
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.