December 24 Love Horoscopes Are Luckiest For 3 Zodiac Signs

While the good vibe is available to all, we will see three zodiac signs take this positive energy to a whole new level.

December 24 Love Horoscopes Are Luckiest For 3 Zodiac Signs Ivanko_Brnjakovic From Getty Images And Mrjo2405 From Getty Images | Canva Pro

Expect the unexpected on December 24, 2023, as Moon trine Pluto brings on romantic surprises and festivities. Just when we thought it was time to give up, in comes Moon trine Pluto with its promise of a new day, and that it falls fatedly on Christmas Eve makes those who experience it feel even more special.

While the good vibe is available to all, we will see three zodiac signs take this positive energy to a whole new level, and that's precisely how Moon trine Pluto works. The whole idea behind the machinations of this transit is that it brings big transformation and change, but these changes also come to us just at the moment we don't expect them to.


So, don't even think you can predict how this day will unfold, but know this: if you are one of these three zodiac signs, you can anticipate something romantic and wild coming your way. This day is most definitely a day where dreams come true and the impossible becomes possible. Why not dream big when we know that everything we think of can be made manifest?


Three zodiac signs will have the luckiest love horoscopes on December 24, 2023:

1. Leo 

(July 23 - August 22)

There's something that you do, and it might even be considered a 'talent,' and that is that you can read the room and play to it very, very well. What this essentially means is that you know how to make people happy on this day. This ranges from your entire family to the simple joys you'll be bringing your romantic partner on this day, December 24, 2023. You'd think that this would be a 'big' day for you, but you'll keep it quiet and low-key.

What makes this day so lucky for you is that your sense of what's around you is on the ball. You sense that everyone simply wants a nice holiday season with all the trimmings and perks. Nothing more, nothing less. You are happy to keep the tradition going, and that is because during this transit, Moon trine Pluto, you'll be ready to flow with whatever is required of you. If they are happy, then you are happy ... and 'they' are happy.

You don't want to be the downer, especially on this day, not that you feel down. You are especially conscious of how you want to present yourself. So you'll work with the energy of Moon trine Pluto to make sure that you are in tune with other people and their desires for a happy day. This makes you happy and allows the love to flow easier.


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2. Virgo 

(August 23 - September 22)

On December 24, 2023, during the transit of Moon trine Pluto, you'll feel as though this day is as good a day as any to implement some of those positive changes that you've had in mind. Your romantic partner will be pleased ... and perhaps shocked ... to see that you're in such a good frame of mind. Why shouldn't you be? You are feeling fine, and even if it breaks character, you are only too happy to be the bringer of good news.

You already know that everyone expects you to moan and complain on this day, which is why it's all the more fun when you show them that you're in the process of a major transformation, personally. You are tired of hearing yourself complain and you want to open to the idea that you're not stuck in that one way of being. You want to show your partner, most of all, that you, too, can grow and change, and you will start on this day, December 24, 2023.


Whether you celebrate or not, you'll be the one to look up in the sky and see the reindeer, even if this vision is only Moon trine Pluto twinkling for you, on high. You want to believe in magic on this day. With that kind of attitude, you can only make yourself and your romantic partner happy. Why not go for it? That's what this day is for, and you might as well go with the flow, Virgo. Happiness abounds.

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3. Pisces 

(February 19 - March 20)

While Moon trine Pluto is not always within your world with love and happiness, you're able to work this transit to your favor, as you feel as though change is at hand. So why not put it to good use on this day, December 24, 2023? You feel positive about where your romantic life is going, and the only missing thing is that one little talk that needs to be had so that you know exactly where you're going with all of this.


And, happily enough, and surprisingly enough, you get to have that talk on Christmas Eve, which makes everything feel all the more magical. For you, Pisces, you need the magic. You want to know that, yes, you can have confrontational, 'serious' conversations. You also want to feel as though there is something ridiculously romantic about the relationship you're presently in ... you want to feel the magic, and during Moon trine Pluto, you get to.

So, you'll get to spend this evening feeling good about your life and your choices, knowing that you aren't alone and that the person you love is with you all the way. You believe in the future because you believe in yourself, Pisces. Big changes are coming and you are ready, willing and able to accept them with open arms. You are able to use the transit of Moon trine Pluto to your advantage. Enjoy the twinkling night sky!

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.