Why These 5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Have The Luckiest Love Horoscopes This Week

Love with all your heart and live for every day.

dhinese luckiest love zodiac signs end of december 2023 ndrea Piacquadio From Pexels Via Canva Pro

Do you trust your heart? Or do you let others around you decide who you should be with (regardless of whether they are right for you or not)? That's the theme of this week. Five Chinese zodiac signs — Snake, Ox, Monkey, Horse and Pig — will have the best luck in love if they ponder upon this.

The I Ching hexagram of love this week is Thunder over Mountain (#62), changing to Thunder over Fire (#55). It's asking us not to get carried away by the beautiful sensations love creates within us. You can always enjoy the moments and be present with your partner in love but don't forget that times change and so do people.


So, instead of hoping everything will be just the way it is at present, seek to live and love each day mindfully so you, your partner, and the relationship all grow together as the years go by. After all, what's the point of getting lucky in love if you squander that blessing by becoming complacent, disdainful or self-sabotage-y? Now let's focus on the five Chinese zodiac signs that are the luckiest in love in the week.

Five Chinese zodiac signs who are luckiest in love this week:

1. Snake

(1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

Snake, if you are single, the energy this week is urging you to cut cords with those exes from your past who are holding you back from finding true love. Your luck in love is strong this week, but you are blocking your good fortune by holding on to the wrong person/people.


If you are in a relationship, your luck in love will blossom and shine when you relax and go into receptive mode. This is especially true for those of you who are chronic givers and people-pleasers. Let your significant other (and other loved ones) pamper you this week. After all, wouldn't you like to end the year on a positive note with a stress-free heart?

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2. Ox

(1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

Ox, if you are single, you need to focus on your long-term goals in love this week if you want luck to favor you. The cosmic forces are here to bless you, but you can sabotage this good luck by pursuing the wrong person or wasting it on casual hookups. How can luck help you if you refuse to meet it halfway?


If you are in a relationship, you are being urged to go into introvert mode this week and keep to a close-knit group of loved ones as the year draws to a close. Your luck in love is strong, but it depends on peace and a positive environment to thrive. Some of you will also benefit from journaling about your needs in love so the full moon at the beginning of the week can grant your wishes.

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3. Monkey

(1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

Monkey, your luck in love is strong this week. If you are single, you are being urged to let go of the past and move forward into the future with confidence. You are about to meet someone special in the most unexpected of places. For some, this collision will occur in your workplace or through a mutual connection at work.


If you are in a relationship, now's the time to take everything to the next level. Whether that's proposing marriage, thinking about expanding the family, bringing home a new pet or buying a home together, luck will bless your new steps into the future. Don't wait anymore if you already know what you want.

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4. Horse

(1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

Horse, your luck in love this week has a brilliance to it like never before. Some of you may literally experience a glow-up under its influence.

If you are single, lean into your power this week and be confident about your wardrobe choices, your hairstyle, your speech pattern and your cultural background. You cannot go wrong now. The right person will be magnetically drawn to you. They won't be able to help it!


If you are in a relationship, now's the time to think about the long-term with your partner. Luck is on your side and blessing you with auspicious beginnings. So, if you want to make a down payment on a house or take a lengthy vacation together next year, now's the time to trust your heart and each other and go for it!

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5. Pig

(1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)


Pig, if you are single, you will have an abundance of choices this week. That's your luck in love! So play if you want to play, turn them down if they don't suit and do what feels right to you. As long as you heed the red flags and appreciate the green ones, you will be fine.

If you are in a relationship, do something special for each other this entire week to make the end of the year extra special for both of you. You can sit together and decide on a theme for each of the next seven days (or five ... it's up to you). Then, surprise each other with your creative takes on the theme, and let your love soar!

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
