The 3 Chinese Zodiac Signs Who Are Luckiest In Love This Week

Another week, another eclipse moon.

chinese zodiac signs luckiest in love october 23 - 29, 2023 JMBee Studio, Konstantin Postumitenko from Prostock-studio, toeytoey2530 from Getty Images | Canva Pro

Your past makes you strong, not weak. That's the message and theme of this week between October 23 - 29, 2023. Three Chinese zodiac signs — Goat, Tiger and Ox — can gain the most if they lean into wisdom.

This week, the I Ching hexagram of love is Wind over Earth (#20), changing to Wind over Mountain (#53). Love is not just about the volcanic spark of attraction that seizes our hearts when our eyes meet another's. It flourishes with contemplation when both sides notice and acknowledge small actions. After all, all good things in life take time to develop, and the efforts make the journey all that more poignant and beautiful.




Let luck help you take notice of the people, actions and things that help your soul grow in a positive and fulfilling way. Whether you are single or in a relationship, let luck bring joy to you in unexpected ways. For some of you, it will be a phone call that comes in right when you are missing the one who has your heart. For others, it can be something more grand and ostentatious. Now, let's focus on the three Chinese zodiac signs that are the luckiest in love in the week of October 23 - 29, 2023.


Three Chinese zodiac signs who are luckiest in love October 23 - 29, 2023:

1. Goat

Goat, your luck in love this week is swift and strong. Don't be surprised if serendipitous things happen to you out of the blue, making your love life even more beautiful and promising. Some may experience this while stepping out of their comfort zone and trying something new. So, if you ever wanted to join a hobby class, dance, learn pottery or try CrossFit, now's the time to do it!

If you are single, your luck will flourish when you take charge of your romantic destiny. Some of you have given up on love secretly in your heart. If that's the case, use this time and season to fill your cup and do the things that make you feel happy and nourished. Others who have not given up on love will find it when they take control of their massive manifestation potential this week. To make the most of this, you can do a love ritual on October 27 (one day before the lunar eclipse full Moon).

If you are in a relationship, you and your partner are being urged not to keep important secrets from each other that will affect both your lives (and the lives of your other family members) in some way. Luck will help you find solutions, bring great opportunities and open doors for you ... but only if you ask for help from each other and those who love you. You can even light green tealight candles this week to bring your life more good fortune and prosperity.

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2. Tiger

Tiger, karma is on your side this week. If anyone hurt you in the past in your love life, whether they are ex-lovers or people who took advantage of your beautiful heart to get something out of you, your luck this week will make them answer for all those degeneracies. So take heart!

If you are single, you are urged to keep your heart open and your mind alert as you try to find your soulmate in the open sea of humanity. Your red thread of destiny will help you find them eventually, but with luck this week, you can shave off weeks of searching if you let luck guide you to the right places and people. For some of you, a friend will be the unsuspecting catalyst who will help you somehow.

If you are in a relationship, don't stonewall your partner if you have a conflict this week. Luck is on your side and karma is, too. This great power comes with the great responsibility of ensuring you don't waste it trying to get the upper hand in a relationship that only thrives when both partners don't want the upper hand. You may accidentally win the battle only to lose the war.

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3. Ox

Ox, your luck in love is extraordinary this week! So much so that you may feel high as a kite for much of this week. Of course, for some, this is literal. You will be partying it up this week and already know many extraordinary things are in store for you. Some of you may even benefit from an impromptu trip with your significant other and friends to take advantage of this lucky energy.

If you are single, your luck in love will flow to you through your family and friends. It will only be from those who genuinely love and care about you and don't fake it for societal acceptance. Pay attention to the wisdom that comes to you from them and the opportunities they bring to your life at this time. You will find your soulmate on this path.

If you are in a relationship, your intimate energy will be heightened this week. Luck will flow when you and your significant other connect through your hearts, not your minds. So, let your emotions do the talking. Let your bodies dance to the tune of those emotions. The giddiness and feeling of safety will just be a bonus.


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.