3 Zodiac Signs Are The Luckiest In Love On October 18, 2023

And then there are days when we're just HAPPY.

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If ever there were a day when you decide, "OK, this is it, I'm going to go along with what my partner wants and I'm just going to ... do it." October 18, 2023, makes that a reality for three zodiac signs because the mystical transit of Moon square Venus supports our efforts from the cosmos.

As we all know, when we get into relationships, half the time we spend with that person is about getting to know them. How do they work? What makes them tick, and are we doing the right thing by them? Are they doing the right thing by US?


During today's transit, Moon square Venus, we will find some of the answers to those questions, and fortunately, so much of what we discover today, October 18, 2023, will be great. When great comes to town, so does inspiration. Before we know it, it's a wild party that consists of two people getting to know each other and discovering that they like what they see.



Today is the day we find that our partner is such a cool person, a meaningful and loving friend, that we all want to thank our lucky stars. What a day we have in store for us, and while it's available to all, there are three lucky zodiac signs here who will know a good thing when they see one.


We can also expect that we will 'dare to go there' on this day. That means we are ready to put aside our inhibitions and show the person we love that we are unafraid. We are here for the love, for the affection ... for the intimacy. We know that what we have in this lifetime is a true blessing and we want to honor it by showing our partners that we trust them and are willing to go the distance with them. Nice day!

Three zodiac signs who are luckiest in love on October 18, 2023:

1. Taurus 

(April 20 - May 20)

Whenever a Venus transit hovers around you, you live up to its expectations as love is your forte and enjoying life is your favorite hobby. You are madly in love with the person who just happens to be madly in love with you. The two of you constantly tell each other this, improving things.

You spare no amount of love on this day, October 18, 2023, and you might find that during today's transit of Moon square Venus, you might even take it to the next level ... whatever that means, but trust me, YOU know what that means. Nobody else does, but that's what your romance is about: what you two do together.


You've never fit into the mold, which is all the more reason why, on this day, you recognize the person that you are with as your one true love. They fit into the same mold as you do, and that's what life is all about for you. Have a beautiful day, T!

RELATED: The Most Trustworthy Zodiac Signs In Astrology, Ranked

2. Gemini 

(May 21 - June 20)

During the transit of Moon square Venus on October 18, 2023, you're going to give yourself a choice: fully plunge into this wonderful, loving romantic relationship that you've gotten yourself into, or find ways to pick it apart and eventually cause the demise of it. Gee, that's some choice, but knowing you, Gemini, you have previously opted for the latter.


It's a good thing you've come to understand that life isn't a dress rehearsal and that if you get a good thing, you have to respect it ... within the time slot that it exists. On this day, you'll come to your senses and go for the love. YES, Gemini, such a good choice. You don't need to find the negative. Don't you know that life always has 'something' negative to deal with, so if you're as lucky as you are — and you ARE — stick with what works? Experience the love in your life right now, as it's good, meaningful and passionate.

RELATED: The 4 Most Emotionally Intelligent Zodiac Signs, According To An Astrologer

3. Pisces 

(February 19 - March 20)

Today allows you to see your love life through the rose-tinted glasses you've always desired the vision to look like. Time and experience have shown you that just because someone says they love you doesn't mean they will come through for you or stand by you through thick and thin. The words are empty if the action is not there to back it up.


During Moon square Venus on October 18, 2023, you're going to see right into the person you call your partner and you are going to know one hundred percent that this person has solid integrity and love. This is your soulmate, true love, and real partner and the knowledge of this coming to you on this particular day will excite you to the point of giddiness. Nobody handles your giddiness like your romantic partner, so enjoy the day ... it's going to be FUN.

RELATED: Sensitive Moon Signs, Ranked From Most To Least Emotional


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
