3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On September 26, 2023

Intriguing revelations are in store for these zodiac signs.

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Let go of your anxieties and fear! The energy today is here to remind us of our infinite potential. Do you believe in the power in your soul? Cancer, Aries, and Aquarius may believe it more readily on September 26, 2023 because of the blessing of the cosmos, but there's a little something for the rest of the zodiac signs too.

Sun in Libra inconjunct Moon in Aquarius and Saturn in Pisces are the main astrological energies of the day. It's here to remind us that systemic plans, considered action, and steadfast dedication can help one conquer mountains. Even the tallest of them all! Of course, the path to fulfilling that destiny won't be easy.




There might be a little back and forth, some misgivings, a few missteps as one overcomes deep-seated fears, but in time, the journey will be over and the prize within reach. And when you look back, you will realize you lived through that journey one day at a time, like today.


If you haven't already, take some time out today to look through your finances and budget. You can do the same for your business, too if you are a business owner. After all, every great quest on Earth requires some amount of financial backing. And your little steps of dedicated work will benefit from a pot of saved gold to make your dreams a reality. Now let's focus on the three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on September 26, 2023.

Three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on September 26, 2023:

1. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22)

Cancer, have faith in yourself as you go through the day. You may feel overly emotional and confused about your path forward, but luck is on your side at this time. You will not falter; you will not fall. You just need to tune into the lunar wisdom and magic living inside you, and the way forward will become apparent to you, one day at a time.

Vesta in Cancer trine Moon in Aquarius is in your corner today. Of course, with the Moon in the last degrees of Aquarius forming a close relationship with Saturn in Pisces, the line between fun and hard work may be blurred today. For good measure! It may suddenly show you the beauty of something you have overlooked so far, maybe the job you have. Maybe your prejudices or the words of others were making you not see the prize in your hand.


Take some time out today to truly take note of all the blessings in your life. Forget about what others think and their petty politics. There are few things in the world more powerful than the energy of gratitude and goodwill.

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2. Aries

(March 21 - April 19)

Aries, the biggest blessings in life are not the things we can accumulate or the houses we get to live in. They are the loving people who grace our lives and stand by us. Today's a good day to celebrate all the loved ones you have in your life, whether openly or in the comfort of your heart. You can even light a yellow candle to reflect this.


Chiron in Aries opposite Mars in Libra is in your corner today. Don't run from the wounds on your soul. They have valuable lessons woven into them. You are cosmically aligned right now to take a closer look at your baggage and not get crushed by it. And when you do, you will notice that you are much stronger emotionally than you thought you were. It will be a pleasant surprise.

North Node in Aries is, of course, your cosmic guardian at this time. So heed its call and dive off the deep end into your subconscious mind. You are on the best horoscopes list because these internal battles are poised to help you become the strongest version of you yet.

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3. Aquarius


(January 20 - February 18)

Aquarius, the energy today is very introverted and laid-back for you. But that doesn't mean you must stay indoors and turn away from the world. The energy will keep blessing you as long as you surround yourself with people who bring you peace and feel at home, even if you are in the great outdoors.

The transiting Moon will be moving from Aquarius to Pisces over the course of the day. So don't be surprised if your emotions feel steadfast in the morning and more loosey-goosey late at night. Of course, with the Moon forming a conjunction aspect with Saturn, you don't have to worry about accidentally texting an ex. But you will benefit from journaling your feelings later in the evening, so the Piscean energy can help bring out important messages from deep within your subconscious.


You can work with an amethyst pendulum, too or an orb of smokey quartz to help focus your intentions. But a simple 5-minute breathing exercise can do the same for you if you don't want to splurge on expensive crystals.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
