The 3 Individual Zodiac Signs With Rough Horoscopes This Week

More Rama, less drama...please.

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This week is a training ground for those who need to understand our lives. We're going to be put to the test, and while we may dread the idea of having to endure something that challenges us, we often find that benefit to be placed outside our comfort zones. This week will bring twill signs face to face with some important challenges, and we may see conflicts arise in love and business.

With a Full Moon in Aries, we're looking at getting a real answer to that question as Venus squares Uranus on the same day and lets us know that our romance may not be as solid as we think. Mercury trines Uranus shortly after and tells us that October will not be as 'perfect' as we might have wanted it to be.


For three zodiac signs, our personal lives will affect our work lives, and that's where things may get difficult ... for some. There may be a couple of personal upheavals, such as romantic breakups, and those actions could take a toll on our ability to work.



We may experience heartache or loss during the week of September 25 - October 1, 2023. What's good to know is that we open our opinion in Aries and the Moon in sextile Pluto. This implies that whatever turmoil we go through, we will find a way to rise to the top. 


Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on September 25 - October 1, 2023:

1. Taurus 

(April 20 - May 20)

This week, September 25 - October 1, 2023, have you reworking your intentions as things haven't panned out exactly as you've wanted, and you mean to do something about that, pronto. You aren't one to sit around and moan, and during this week, you won't be doing any of that either ... though you will notice that there's a dragging feeling going on, and that's because the Moon opposite Venus seems to be delivering a little too much drama into your love life.

You recognize automatically that there's no need for the hype and that everything is good 'as is,' but your partner is of another mindset, and you may find that you have to take time off just to comfort them in their paranoia.

You don't want to leave them alone to sulk, but you won't feel good about it unless you tend to them, so in this way, your week will be filled with a lot of 'stop-and-go.' You feel active while your partner continues to hold you back.


RELATED: Each Individual Zodiac Sign's Tarot Horoscope For The Week Of September 25 - October 1, 2023

2. Leo 

(July 23 - August 22)

What starts as a fairly good week rapidly turns into a situation where your romantic life demands more attention than you were willing to give it. During the week of September 25 - October 1, 2023, you will find that, for some reason, your partner is feeling very needy, and this is exactly what you were counting on NOT happening, as you have so many 'other' plans in mind. Venus squares Uranus now and makes you want to tell your partner off to relax and calm down.

Nothing is wrong, and your partner's needy behavior is on your last nerve. You may want to break free, and you will be arguing over the most inane of topics. Trust is hard to come by during the Moon opposite Mercury and takes the form of you and your partner doubting each other's love. Yikes, that again. So unnecessary.


RELATED: How Retrograde Season Effects Each Zodiac Sign's Love Horoscope This Week

3. Libra 

(September 23 - October 22)

You are all about that Full Moon in Libra, as this is the week when you know your dreams are about to manifest, much like the intentions made real by the Full Moon itself. Being that you start the week of September 25 - October 1, 2023, out so positively, you'll feel drained by the idea that the people in your life — especially at work, are so negative. Can't anybody just be happy for three seconds?


You feel like your energy is being sapped at work. What angers you the most is that 'their' bad energy interferes with your super-positive energy, exacerbated by the Moon in Aries. So, you will do your very best to rise above it all, Libra, but the forces of nature that surround you will be continuously trying your patience. Thanks, universe! Ouch.

RELATED: The 3 Chinese Zodiac Signs Luckiest In Love September 25 - October 1, 2023


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
