Horoscope For September 10, 2023 — The Moon Enters Leo

We see a shift take place in our priorities. Rather than cling to our comforts we are creatively in search for fun.

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Today's horoscope for September 10, 2023 brings a vibe of courage, adventure and interestingly some stubborness too. We have the Moon entering Leo. Leo is a 'fixed' sign ruled by the Sun, so we are eager to try new things and get lots of attention from friends and family.

Today's a day for exploring the world and taking photos worthy of instagram (filter-free). It's a time to pull out the gorgeous clothing you always want to wear but never do. Spritz on some French cologne if you have some, and don't forget to do your hair in a way that captures attention. We are ready to flaunt our best attributes, get attention — and like it.


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Your zodiac sign's daily horoscope for Sunday, September 10, 2023.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)


Aries, now that you've had a few days to rest during the Moon in Cancer, it's time to step out of your comfort zone. The Moon enters lively Leo, your sector of passion and creativity. This is not a day to sit around and watch the world pass you by while you lounge in bed watching food or TikTok reels on your cell phone. Instead, why not pull up your saved content and jot down the recipes or craft ideas and anything else you've promised yourself you'd get to later and make a list of the things you need, so you can buy them and try them out before the Moon enters Virgo later this week.

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Taurus (April 20 - May 20)


The last few days have been full of peace and quiet. Cancer's Moon energy allows you to feel more settled in your life, and that's been healing for you. Now that the Moon has left your communication sector to activate your home and family life, you can expect to hold a few challenging conversations. While we are not talking about people being combative, you should anticipate a few lively discussions on topics. If you prefer to keep the same energy flowing, choose to avoid things that can ignite anger in others: politics and religion.

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Gemini (May 21 - June 20)


While you're often accused of being overly chatty, the Moon in Leo activates your conversation sector. You can anticipate that your thought life will become alive and active. This is a wonderful time for writing or reading books that are suspenseful and full of romantic plots. If you prefer being a social butterfly, consider checking out the latest film releases in theaters or on your favorite streaming app. It will be good to catch up on shows you've been meaning to watch.

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)


Here you are, Cancer, ready to try something new. You get a little break from life once the Moon leaves your sign to enter Leo. Leo's energy can ignite the desire to go shopping at the mall. You can replace an old jacket that no longer fits your style. This can be a great time to check out what retails stores are receiving from other stores. You may feel attached to a person's kind spirit and that's why you desire to help when you see them in need.

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Leo (July 23 - August 22)


This weekend sets you up for success as the Moon enters your sign today where it will be through Monday. The Moon in your sign gives you a strong sense of confidence. You can do anything you set your mind to do. You feel brave and strong!

You get a great feeling of confidence and this will feed into your self-love — lucky for you, the Moon brings healing energy to your heart. It's going to be a wonderful day for going out, getting dressed up and getting together for dancing, karaoke or just hanging out with friends.

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Virgo (August 23 - September 22)


The past brings out a bit of a tiger in as you strive to separate from old things and move on to new things. You may find it so difficult to let go of the past and forget what you've experienced, but it's possible. The Moon in your sector of endings can reveal that there are still cracks in your spirit that need healing and growth. It can be a tough time for change and transition, but you will handle it with class and grace.

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Libra (September 23 - October 22)


Today is one of those days where you won't want to be alone. You want to be with friends, and in a crowd taking in the sights and enjoying life at the fullest. Today's all about things related to Leo, so if you've been meaning to go out dancing, you'll want to find the best night club in your city. You never know ... you may spot a celebrity star or meet one. It's also a great day for eating out at a fancy restaurant. You can make it a bit more affordable by ordering tapas or appetizers to share while people watching.

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Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)


You are a private person, so a part of you may not have thought you needed to become more active online. But, this weekend pushes you to step outside of your comfort zone. Here's what you can expect: your activity online for professional and career reasons grows. If you're curious about starting your own business, today, look into costs and start structuring your business plan to send off to investors. With Mercury retrograde ending next week, submitting applications this week can be hard to do.

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Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)


With Mars in your sector of friendships, you're sure to have a belly full of laughs today. One thing you may want to consider is a trip where you can meet up with old friends in person. The Moon entering your long-distance travel sector can ignite a curiosity of what's out there to explore. This is a great time to look at cruise line rates, flight schedules and costs, or check out a cross country train ride to plan for a future trip that's totally Instagram worthy.

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Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)


When you're generous you aren't one to brag or let others know what you did. Today you may experience having others find out about your good deeds. While it's unimportant to you if someone else praises the nice things you do, it's a great way to be a positive example to others. Your good Samaritan side shines through. Be proud of your hard work and efforts to serve others and to be there for strangers when they are in need.

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Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)


It's a great day for love, Aquarius, as the Moon enters your commitment sector. When the Moon enters Leo, it's a great time to indulge yourself in things that bring your life to a new level. Since stores are already stocking holiday items, consider buying your matching pjs for December now. Today you may feel like being a bit showy with your mate; so the day may call for a fun and playful selfie to post on your social media. It's also a great day to dress up and go out on a formal date old-fashioned style.

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Pisces (February 19 - March 20)


Embrace your unique individuality, while the Moon turns your attention toward work and the details. You don't have to work yourself to the bone. You can channel your energy toward the things you love to do. it's nice to be fully present and tend to the details of life. You can let your inner Martha Stewart come out and bake a cake or pie. You might like to try canning goods in preparation for winter. If you feel ready to add color to your home that represents fall or winter, start decorating. Think about what you'd like to come home to and get to work.

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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
