3 Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest In Love On August 24, When The Moon Is In Sagittarius

Today, we know the meaning of trust in love.

zodiac signs luckiest in love on august 24, 2023 Dean Drobot via Canva Pro

What creates the conditions for a beautiful and peaceful day spent with a loved one is more than likely due to the easy going nature provided by the Sagittarius Moon. It is on this day, August 24, 2023, that we don't pick that bone and we don't voice that grievance. We may find that we surprise ourselves in how calm we go about doing everything. We're not up for drama, but we are interested in knowing that things go well. We aren't passive on this day, even though we are peaceful; we are curious and expressive during the Sagittarius Moon, and for three zodiac signs, this could end up being a very special day.


We've just come into the influence of the Mercury retrograde, so we feel like we're walking on eggshells when it comes to communication. However, during the Sagittarius Moon, communication is more intentional; we know what we want to talk about and we are also careful as to not ruffle feathers. Once again, this day is not about theatrics; we are here to spend time with our loved on, focusing on that which is pleasant and interesting. This isn't a day for fighting or going over money problems; we know better than that, during the Sagittarius Moon.

What is necessary, however, during this transit is focus; we need to be on the same page as our lover. That's why this transit doesn't provide the same results for every sign. We have to share a mutual vision with our romantic partner in order for this day to go smoothly. And it will go very smoothly and produce very romantic results for the three zodiac signs mentioned here today, on August 24, 2023.


Three zodiac signs are luckiest in love on August 24, during the Moon in Sagittarius:

1. Gemini 

(May 21 - June 20)

Oh how happy you will find yourself today, Gemini, as you notice that there's no tension between you and your partner. In fact, don't think about it too much or you might create some! The thing is, you've got the Sagittarius Moon on your side today, and that gives you perspective. Your love life is so much better than you give it credit for, and in knowing it, you come to realize that you've been unintentionally putting your partner down, which is NOT what you've wanted to do.

Today releases you from the bondage of your own judgmental nature. When you realize that you can have beautiful and loving days without picking your partner apart, you also get to know that this kind of attitude can continue on, indefinitely. Use the power of the Sagittarius Moon to liberate you from being too 'judgy;' your partner will totally appreciate the vacation.



2. Leo 

(July 23 - August 22)

You've come a long way, baby, and on this day, during the Sagittarius Moon, you and your partner will finally free yourself from the bad habits that have plagued the relationship since the beginning. That's right; today, August 23, 2023 is the day that you both mutually agree to stop something and start anew, with a brand new plan.

With both you focused on the same outcome, you feel strong and charged up; nothing can hold you back and that's mainly  because you know you're not alone. You and the person you love feel stronger than ever, and your conviction towards the good makes it all the more easy to accomplish those goals. There is no looking back now, as the Sagittarius Moon points forward, only. The past held you back; now it's time to experience love in a new and healthy way.

RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Feel Sad About Love On August 24, During Moon Square Saturn


3. Libra 

(September 23 - October 22)

What you'll experience on this day, August 24, 2023 is the kind of love that you've always wanted; the kind that doesn't hurt. Well, don't we all want that? Of course, but that doesn't necessarily mean we get it, does it? During the Sagittarius Moon transit, you will allow yourself to go with the flow of things, which means you won't be trying to control the day, as you usually do.

Today is the day that you kick back and enjoy what trust really means. To trust your partner completely is a gift; today, you get to see that your trust in them opens them up, and gives them the confidence to be themselves. They don't feel judged by you, nor do they think you'll 'take it all back' if they act a certain way. Today puts you both on equal footing; this is new for you, Libra. It's a fantastic feeling to be an 'equal' to your partner. This is what the Sagittarius Moon brings you today, August 24, 2023.


RELATED: Every Zodiac Sign's Luckiest Day In September 2023


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
