The Weekly Love Horoscope Is Luckiest For 3 Zodiac Signs August 7 - 13

Love is the answer to all questions.

weekly love horoscope is luckiest for 3 zodiac signs august 7 - 13 Samyukthaa, titoOnz from Getty Images, and imagerymajestic via Canva Pro

For the lucky few who will get through this week unscathed, these folks will feel fortunate in life, love and romance. We are looking at a supreme week of joyful experiences, and for three zodiac signs, we may be looking at the kind of experiences that border on soulful or profound. This is a week where we bypass the odds, as several transits here could trip us up.

For certain zodiac signs, the pitfalls will get us. However, the benefits will be royal and plentiful for those who make it out without a hitch. This week goes out to the believers who dare to stay on the path of love — the three zodiac signs who recognize the beauty inherent in love and how precious it is to be alive.




Our lucky charms come to us during the week of August 7 - 13, 2023, as Venus conjunct Lilith, a Taurus Moon, Moon trine Mercury, Sun sextile Moon, Moon sextile Venus and Moon conjunct Venus. This is a winning hand, my friends and should these transits shine upon you, you will feel the love and appreciate what you have. It's a week of gratitude. We aren't complaining. We are doing whatever we can to add to the picture. We're not grabbing for our share but giving whatever we can to whomever we can. We are generous, and in being so, we receive more than we could ever ask for in return.


For the three zodiac signs who will benefit from these cosmic transits, the feeling will be that of contentment, whether or not we live perfectly love lives. We realize this week that love comes to us in many forms, and while we can experience it with a romantic partner, that love doesn't stop there. We are also helped by the Leo Sun, which makes our positive experiences seem even better than possible. It's a good week for these three zodiac signs.

Weekly love horoscope: luckiest three zodiac signs August 7 - 13:

1. Gemini 

(May 21 - June 20)

Now and then, you allow yourself the bliss of relaxing into the love you have, Gemini. During the week of August 7 - 13, 2023, you will find that your harshest critic, YOU, sees no reason to sit in judgment of your actions. You might discover that during this week, you feel lighter and this lightness of being allows you to feel emotions that you've shut off. It's time for you to start loving again, and while the love has never left you, you've held back out of fear. You don't want to be hurt, and who could blame you?

But, then again, the week's transits inspire and push you to open up to experience all you can. Once you taste 'the good stuff, if you don't want to go back, it will be during this week that you realize that the love you have is the love you will always have. Safe, secure and beloved.


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2. Capricorn 

(December 22 - January 19)

Beauty is where you find it, Capricorn, and you've always been someone who finds that beauty in the unique and different. During the week of August 7 - 13, 2023, you will sit back and realize that the beauty in your life is shared by someone who is very much like you and that there was never a reason for the two of you to ever be at odds.

You've learned your lessons and so have they, and this partnership has stood the test of time. It's now time for both of you to accept that you are the loves of each other's lives. You did well, Capricorn. When you release the need to control or be the boss in the relationship, you experience the ebb and flow of nature, and in love, that means the world. This week brings you and your partner closer together than you've ever been before. Accept it.


RELATED: 10 Ways To Love Someone For The Long-Term — Without Losing Yourself

3. Aquarius 

(January 20 - February 18)

You will find that during the week of August 7 - 13, 2023, creativity brings out the love in you, and when you share that creative process with the person you are in a relationship with, it brings the two of you together. Perhaps you've accidentally stumbled upon the fountain of youth, so to speak, which works for your partnership in the way a healing balm does. Creativity is what sparks the healing in your case.


This is all the two of you have needed. To join together under the umbrella of some cause or production. When you work together, you find purpose and this purpose makes the foundation of your relationship even stronger. This is a week of togetherness and functional creativity. It will also give you strength for future endeavors together.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
