Love Horoscope For June 29, During The Sun Conjunct Mercury
It's not you ... blame miscommunication on the stars.

Communication is vital in most relationships, and yet, there are times when we cannot see eye-to-eye with the person we love. Today's love horoscope for June 29 reveals how Mercury and the Sun when close together in a water sign, can make it difficult to understand others, even when we try our best to do so. Here's how today's astrology forecast impacts your love life, relationships, marriage and dating life on June 29.
What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Thursday, June 29, 2023:
Luck and love are on your side until July 22, when Venus retrograde begins. So, Aries, enjoy the romance while passion is hot. Your ruling planet, Mars, continues to hold hands with Venus, so if you're single, you could meet the right person in the next few weeks.
If you're already committed, your relationship could become more serious. However, the Moon IS in Scorpio, the sign of its fall, so emotions can be challenging. It stares down lucky Jupiter and disruptive Uranus in Taurus promoting drama. If your romance is rocky, there could be a sudden change to your relationship's dynamic showing the cracks in your relationship. If you are a Scorpio rising, and have been dating a while, last year's eclipse lit up your relationship sector, so if things are going well, you could receive a marriage proposal before the weekend. Talk about marriage or moving in today could lead to talks about blending finances, and it could involve giving away some decision-making control.
Under the worst circumstances, today's Scorpio Moon will provoke your paranoid side. If you have trust issues, and you are anticipating a landslide of money, you won't want to give up the reins yet. Today, you might be the one to cause a power struggle, and if you and your significant other aren't on the same page, you may decide that an offensive move is needed, and it won't be pretty.
As honest as you can be, today your sneakier side may still come out, all in the name of self-preservation and control. Today, don't do it, Aries. You need to fight fair. This is your final warning for today: hiding money may backfire on you, and being transparent about finances boosts trust — especially if your partner has a Scorpio rising, Scorpio Sun or Moon sign or works in financial planning, investments or real estate.
Taurus, when people meet you, they see a strong person who is in control of their emotions; but when today's Sun conjuncts with Mercury your emotional side gets a big boost and it's easy for you to get caught up in the 'feels.' When Mercury is so close to the Sun, you may need to work a little harder to process what you're thinking before you say it.
Your romantic nature comes out in a way that may surprise even you. You might find it easier to speak about your hopes, dreams and fears.
You are a talker, Gemini, but there are moments when even you can become speechless, and today you could find yourself at a loss for words because of a topic: money.
Mercury, your ruling planet, is in your money sector, and it's tucked beneath the rays of the Sun. This position can hinder your ability to say what you mean and mean what you say. Instead, you'll want your actions to lead the way.
Do things that communicate what you are trying to say. Set boundaries. Lead by example, and demonstrate your wants. Actions may be the best way for you to be understood by others.
Love can bring out the best (and worst) in people and drive you crazy when you fall hard for someone. Today, you may be unsure if someone feels the same way as you do. You're ready to invest more time and possibly money into a budding relationship, but not without some reservations.
You want to know if the love you wish to give will be received — and reciprocated. Instead of plodding forward without checking in with the person you like, consider asking how they feel. It's a good idea to put your feelers out, Cancer. Test the waters and see if this romance is a two-way street.
It's tough not to talk about the past when the Sun and Mercury have activated your memory sector. Today you may catch yourself reminiscing about an old flame and even sharing details with someone you want to grow a relationship with now.
This chat can feel bonding to you to a degree, but be a bit warned. Too much information can hurt your intimate relationship if it's in the early stages. Instead of opening your heart about a relationship you've closed the door on, consider opening up about future hopes, dreams, plans and fears. Talking about what will be can be a better way to guide a conversation.
Friends have opinions about your breakup, a new relationship, a long-term partner, and your love life. You may have better ideas than sharing many details on social media or when you're out for a happy hour.
It's not that you want to be so secretive; it may simply be that you've decided to keep certain things to yourself today. You're ready to let people judge what they see. Still, the details will need to be hidden until you've figured your feelings out without opinions from others.
You take love seriously, and even though you enjoy a little casual flirting when you find someone you want to know better, you focus on them and only them.
Today you show your existing or potential partner that you're interested in working together as a team. While it might not be easy to initiate conversations about tricky topics that bring you closer, you will find being transparent and open amazingly refreshing.
Take initiative when it comes to your dating life, Scorpio. Single or in an established relationship, today's energy encourages you to open the door to a deeper, more intimate connection with your significant other. You love to get to know someone well and find it fascinating when you have learned about intimate thoughts and feelings.
Consider inviting your partner to take a fun personality and attachment style test or ask each other 30 questions that provoke deeper transparency about what you each want to see happen in your future.
Today, you may not have your head in the clouds romantically, but with the Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer, you could think about the future and what would happen to your partner should an emergency occur.
Today's perfect for setting up a plan and discussing what you would want to happen should there ever be an emergency. Discuss wills, estate planning and desires for medical advocacy and decision-making.
Today could be a big day for you, Capricorn. If you've been seeing someone seriously, you and your partner may be ready to discuss taking your relationship to the next level.
A conversation could include moving in together or giving each other a key to your current apartments. If you still need to make your relationship 'Facebook official,' today could be an ideal time to explore whether or not you're ready to change your status from Single to 'In a relationship' and tag one another.
Today you may find yourself ready to do something relaxing with your partner, especially if you've both had a reasonably tough week. Rather than cook at home, order a pizza.
If you have a tub at home, draw a bath for your significant other and surprise them with a luxuriously bubble bath, their favorite book or magazine and a nice candlelight room to close out a hurried day.
You wear your heart on your sleeve, Pisces, and sometimes you feel invisible to others, but today, things change for you. Your partner may begin to notice the sacrifices you've been making for them.
While you don't often ask to hear the words 'Thank you,' they are nice to hear occasionally. Today you may receive the gratitude and praise you didn't realize you needed from the person you adore.
Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.