On March 12, 2023, These 3 Zodiac Signs Are 'Luckiest In Love'

Come what may.

zodiac signs who are luckiest in love march 12, 2023 7144605 from pixabay via Canva/Gambar Madu and southpict from Getty Images from Canva Pro

On March 12, 2023, three zodiac signs are 'luckiest in love', and the Sun trine Moon transit helps make everything right, no matter what comes their way.

Every now and then, we get a break, as in a good, solid, unbreakable break. That's where transits like Sun trine Moon come into play because, without cosmic events like this, luck doesn't always happen that easily. Today, we're in luck, we're in love, and as far as we can tell, the Sun is shining brightly even if the sky is full of clouds. We just can't lose on this day, March 12, 2023, and while all of us stand to benefit from this transit, three signs will stand out — and we'll notice!


Today, we get that break, and it shows up as a fantastically eye-opening conversation with our loved one. Every now and then, we do this; we find things about ourselves that we didn't know, and those things add to our lives.

The idea of sharing with someone we know and love is typical and positive, but to share with that person and come away from it feeling extra special, full of joy and thrilled by whatever revelation came our way, well then, the whole day feels like...WOW.



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During the Sun trine Moon, we feel supported in our needs. We feel as though we haven't overstepped our bounds, that we haven't asked for too much and that we're safe with the person that we so desperately want to feel safe with. It's just a good day in general, and March 12 delivers the goods in the form of love, affection and positive attention.

The zodiac signs who are the luckiest in love on March 12, 2023:

1. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20)

You're about ready to claim that break you've heard about, and it just so happens that on March 12, 2023, you'll be receiving the good stuff, thanks to Sun trine Moon, which is all too generous with the giving out of positive vibrations. You just feel good today, and this is due to so many interesting and positive updates in your life. First of all, your romance is percolating, and that's something you didn't think was possible at this point in the game.

And yet, today, it's all good news, and it doesn't seem to be stopping any time too soon. You and your person will do a lot of smiling at each other today, and while that sounds like 'no biggie' to some, to you, it's what warms your heart and make you appreciate the little things. Have fun, stay safe, and enjoy the lovin'.


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2. Leo

(July 23 - August 22)

Today brings you a brilliant insight: you are in love with an incredibly smart person, and you can't believe how fortunate you are to have found them. You always knew they were smart, but on this day, during Sun trine Moon, it will hit you that not only are they smart, but that they seem to adore you to pieces. Smart and into you? That's awesome! You feel safe with this person, and this opens your world up.

Knowing that they will be with you through it all makes you giddy with joy. You can't help but smile all day long, as this person is not only intelligent but hilarious, too. And your humor and charm are not exactly slacking either, Leo, so between the two of you and our friend, sun trine moon, your day should be blissfully enchanting.


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3. Aquarius

(January 20 - February 18)

One of the reasons today feels so good for you is because you've done the work that creates the fortune, and now it's time to relax into it. You've been spending a lot of time doing inner work, trying to become healthy, happy and generous with the love you give to others. Most especially to your romantic partner, as they have been so good to you that you feel they deserve only the best.


On March 12, 2023, you'll be in the right frame of mind to be as generous as you can possibly be with your partner. In turn, they will match your generosity because that's how the Sun trine Moon rolls. It's reciprocal, giving, and unselfish in its ways. Today is a fantastic day to go for a long ride, just enjoying each other's company. It's all sunshine and good feelings for you during Sun trine Moon, Aquarius. Eat it up!

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.