The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Saturday, February 11, 2023
It is time to embrace the possibilities.

The best horoscopes on February 11, 2023 go to three zodiac signs affected by Mercury transitioning into Aquarius.
Mercury, master of the mind, enters the air sign of Aquarius amplifying your mental energy and prompting you to fully see the path ahead.
Mercury is the planet that rules how you think, how you speak to your own self and even how you communicate with others.
Whether in professional matters or romantic matters, Mercury makes the biggest difference.
Depending upon which zodiac sign Mercury is in though, you will feel benefits or challenges.
Since December Mercury has moved through the stagnant and repressive zodiac sign of Capricorn.
While Mercury in Capricorn helps you to establish important foundations and to talk over what needs to be figured out, it tends to also feel a bit constraining.
There is not a lot of big thinking or dreaming during Mercury in Capricorn, instead it is all about taking care of business and having the important conversations necessary to get ahead.
During Mercury’s stint in Capricorn, it also turned retrograde, helping you get to the bottom of what you needed to review before moving ahead in your life.
Even though it is sometimes challenging, Mercury’s retrograde periods always end up being of benefit because you are asked to sort through what you have outgrown or what lessons have overstayed their purpose.
But now as Mercury begins to shift into open and expansive Aquarius, you are ready to do the same.
You have done the work of thinking through plans, you have taken care of past matters and you have set up the structures that you need within your life to find success – now all you must do is let in the fresh air of possibility.
Mercury in Aquarius is vastly different from Capricorn. It is looking for the new, the innovative, the different and is more concerned about thoughts and possibilities than anything that is logical or rational.
Mercury in Aquarius is not overly emotional, but it does care about what your truth is, and it wants to be a part of something bigger than just the daily routine of life which means that beneficial relationships become the focus during this time.
During this time if you have felt sluggish or even more mentally exhausted, you should start to feel more energized.
Your brain should feel as if it is working more quickly, making connections, formulating ideas, and seeing things in a different and even more hopeful way than you had previously.
One of the biggest differences during this time is that you will be more apt to follow through on an idea that feels good to you rather than appease the opinions or thoughts of anyone else.
Aquarius is a bit of a rule breaker and when it comes to Mercury it means that some of your ideas or plans may seem far fetched to others – if you share them anyway.
But this is your que to make sure that you really are honoring yourself, that you are not letting anyone else make you doubt the dreams that only you were given.
It is time to let go of the limits and simply embrace the beautiful possibilities that surround you.
The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes for Saturday, February 11, 2023:
1. Aquarius
(January 20 - February 18)
Mercury shifts into your sign just in time to help you process and work through many of the realizations and lessons that are wrapping up.
You are entering a time when you are going to be putting some big pieces of healing together which will free up space for new developments to start coming together in your life.
Saturn is preparing to leave your own sign after an often-grueling few years which means that while challenges will still arise, you are entering a phase of ease and joy. Much more so than you have seen even in the recent decade.
Today, Mercury enters Aquarius which is going to not only help you think things through and see connections that you have previously missed but also allow you to have those conversations necessary to create more connection within your life.
Uranus and the North Node are in Taurus right now which should be changing your home life in all the best ways, Mercury’s shift into Aquarius will help you make sure that what you are creating is reflective of your healing and not your wounding.
2. Scorpio
(October 23 - November 21)
Aquarius energy rules your home and family life which can also include childhood wounds or ancestral healing. Saturn has been camped out in this part of your chart for the past few years helping you to understand the lessons and boundaries that will help you to have more of what you want for your life.
Now as Saturn is wrapping up it is time here; Mercury enters because you now need to think more clearly about what you do and what to create moving forward. As much as you can often get bogged down in intense emotional feelings, you need to make sure that you stay on the surface during this.
Use this Mercury energy to figure out what you have learned during Saturn’s reign in this part of your life, what you want to change and what you want to create. Then start planning, nothing is impossible if you put the work in to create it.
3. Taurus
(April 20 - May 20)
You are entering a period of exciting growth and opportunities when it comes to your professional life and career. Aquarian energy rules over this sector of your life, which means you will be gifted with the ability to speak and communicate effectively, enhancing the likelihood of a promotion or raise.
Saturn has also been in this part of your life, so it is likely that you have had some lessons here involving boundaries with work and home and even making sure that you are playing by the divine laws of the universe. Yet now it should be time for the rewards and payback from making it through all of Saturn’s hard lessons.
Make sure that you let yourself believe that you truly are heading into more positive times, so that you can be sure you are embracing every ounce of confidence that you have worked for.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.