The 3 Zodiac Signs Have More Fun Being Single During Sun Trine Mars On January 29, 2023

A blast.

The 3 Zodiac Signs Have More Fun Being Single During Sun Trine Mars On January 29, 2023 Rido via Canva Pro

If ever there were a booster transit that exists to make us want to be single, it's Sun trine Mars. If you are one of the zodiac signs mentioned today, you're probably already out the door, done up to the nines, ready to bring the party wherever you go.

You are on fire today, and that energy feels good, positive and...friendly. You are not up for anything less than a stellar time, and you'll have it, that is for sure.


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Sun trine Mars is almost blinding in its strange ability to remove all the doubt in our minds that it is much more fun to be single. It put us on the right track. We cannot see what is wrong with today or if there is anything wrong with today; what we see is potential.

And, mind you, that potential isn't restricted to being single — it crosses over into business and pleasure. Sun trine Mars has us believing that we are unstoppable forces of love, light and fun; In a way, this gives us a chance to show people that we have a sense of humor and that on this day, January 29, we choose to seek the light. There is no darkness on this day, not for three zodiac signs.


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And so, with selective sight, we make the decision to go for being single rather than the dim room. The Sun trine Mars inspires us, and we will delight in the feeling we get when we realize that so much of this day's positivity comes from our beings.

During Sun trine Mars, we are the light; we are the ones who show everyone around us a good time. And as they say, "a good time was had by all." That's Sun trine Mars, folks.

The three zodiac signs who have more fun being single during the Sun trine Mars on January 29, 2023:

1. Aries

(March 21 - April 19)

You are always receptive to Mars transits, and when they happen to be excellent, as they are today with Sun trine Mars, you'll be especially open to their influence. You've always been the one who starts and ends the party.


You love being involved, showing off, dashing around, and teasing are the life of the party, and you always have been. Today brings you a new opportunity to enjoy that side of your personality, as you will find yourself with a group of people who feel a similar way...the need to party is on, and you're not going to miss out on it.

This also gives you a chance to show a side of yourself that literally needs to be seen, which is the side of you that is hyper-friendly and welcoming. You know that you can put people off, so when there's a party, you attend to show certain people that you are a likable, fun person.

RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Are Happy To Be Single Vs. Those That Need To Be In A Relationship

2. Leo 

(July 23 - August 22)


If you wake up feeling like a million bucks, it's because Sun trine Mars is waking up with you, and it's ready to inspire you to new heights on this day, January 29, 2023. You, Leo, cannot go wrong on this day because you can see nothing but power, glory, goodness, and fun. You feel like taking the world into your arms and giving it a big hug, and if you can't do that, you might as well take your love to party, where you can decadently dance around while everyone admires your positivity.

So what if you show off a bit today; it's like you can deliver the goods. What they see is what you are, and you happen to know yourself as an incredibly beautiful creature. It's all good today; believing in oneself is par for the course where Sun trine Mars is concerned. You will share the best of yourself today with friends and strangers.

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3. Sagittarius 

(November 22 - December 21)


While you are usually a loner, you also happen to be the kind of person who collects amazing and special friends. When you get that rare desire to be social, as you will on this day, January 29, 2023, during the Sun trine Mars, you'll gather your pals around you, and you will go out in style...because you deserve it. You don't always treat yourself like royalty, but today is a good enough excuse to do just that.

And while you are there, you might treat everyone around you, too. You do love and respect your friends, so when it's party time, you know exactly who to turn to for companionship. Today puts you in contact with old friends, and there's a good chance you'll meet someone new in the crowd who will turn into your next party partner. Have fun, be safe and remember to 'pause.'

RELATED: Tired Of Being Alone? 10 Ways To Enjoy Being Single


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.