The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Horoscopes On December 13, 2022


The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Horoscopes On December 13, 2022 Sketchify, Clker-Free-Vector-Images and Liza Summer from Pixabay both via Canva/Claudia Ventrella from Getty Images via Canva Pro

If you feel you can't get the bad thoughts out of your head today, welcome to December 13, 2022, where we tend to sink to the bottom during astrological transits like the Moon opposite Saturn.

What's happening on December 13, 2022, contributing to the rough horoscope predictions for three zodiac signs?

The one thing that stands out today in astrology is that, should we go down that path and end up feeling cruddy about too many things in our life, we will simultaneously now know why we feel so bad so suddenly.


This happens all the time, in one way or another; we feel on edge, unnerved, fragile almost...and we don't know why. Worse, we don't know how to turn off negative feelings.

Moon opposite Saturn brings about feelings of anxiety, and if you are familiar with anxiety, you know that it is irrational.



For those three zodiac signs who will be jolted by the Moon opposite Saturn today, we will feel the pressure of unwanted thoughts as they make their way to the forefront of our minds.


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These thoughts might not even be harmful, but we will find a way to make them harmful, which is today's downfall. This is what makes today 'rough.'

If Saturn is the planet of NO, then the Moon opposite Saturn makes us dwell on that NO. This means we doubt ourselves and others and can't see the light in any situation.

We are already put off by our sense of limitation. In astrology, this planetary transit makes us feel locked in and cannot escape. 

While so much of this is in our minds, hey, we're still living it out, so whether it's all mental or not, it doesn't matter. Rough is rough, and today, we got to know it.


The three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on December 13, 2022:

1. Leo

(July 23 - August 22)

Rather than being too rough, what you might experience today is the frustration of having something in your life put on hold. You feel that it's an inopportune time for things not to be swimmingly, and this might set your course for resentment, on this day, during the Moon opposite Saturn.

You resent the universe for placing your plans on hold, and you can't understand why things aren't flowing easily. You are also clueless about why things aren't going right when your attitude feels perfect; you are pure, positive energy, and yet, you are, being thwarted left and right, by situations you have no control over.

This may trigger some anxiety in you, but thankfully, you'll see a clearing by the end of the day.


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2. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21)

You refuse to feel helpless, but holy smokes, today will push you, and you might even feel moments of hopelessness. The good part is that it's temporary and something you CAN get rid of. Your problem today is other people and their habits.

You probably just laughed while reading that. Yes, those habits. While you know you're not a perfect person, during the Moon opposite Saturn, you cannot help but wonder what these people are doing and why they can't be NORMAL.

As you can see, all of this is subjective. What makes your day so rough is your intolerance. Now, you might be one zillion percent justified in your feelings toward other people, but here's the key: will they stop doing what they do?


Or is it up to you to either reinterpret their actions or walk away from them? This one's on you. Don't let others ruin your day, but also know that if they do—it's because you let it happen.

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3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20)


Will the planet of NO get on your nerves today, Pisces? Why yes, it most certainly will. During the Moon opposite Saturn, you'll feel like you've been disrespected...even though there may not be an actual realistic cause for that feeling.

What's happening is that today will have you looking for things to feel bad about. While that may sound nutty, it's something we all do from time to time. It's as if we can't feel comfortable in the moment, so we look for something to blame that discomfort on.

With Saturn transits, we keep a steady vigil; we are looking for something or someone to blame, and we will find that scapegoat today. The rough part is that, on some deep level, we know that all we're doing is instigating a fight and that none of it is needed. Today will have Pisces going out of their way to feeling wrong about things that make no sense.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.